Help! Are They Ok Together & Is My Tank The Right Size

em 11

Fish Crazy
Nov 8, 2005
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after my parrot fish deading :rip:
here he is

& my tank has now broken & in the bin :(

i thinking of gettin a another parrot fish & clown loachs
& putting them in this tank with this fish will they be ok together ( now there 1 plec 4 small fish )
pic of tank

the tank is 2 ft long is this biggest

Has he died bless him, R.I.P.
Sorry to hear about your parrot fish, he was a real beauty! Unfortunalty, as OohFeeshy has already pointed out, your tank is not suitable for parrots or clown loaches. The loaches grow quite large and need atleast a 90 gallon tank, same with the parrot fish, they need atleast a 55 gallon.
How many gallons does your tank hold? Also, what fish do you have in it at the moment? If you have enough room we could suggest other fish for you to get.
A 2 feet tank is going to be either 15 or 19 gallons depending on height. This tank is suitable for fish that do not grow much over 3 inches. What is in there now?
i have at the moment in there

1 plec
4 tetras
sadly because my tank was broken :-( & i did nt have the space in my other tanks:( & they are now living in my auntie tank & r v happy there :) but i do miss them a lot :sad: :sad: :-(


here they are
I keep a parrot cichlid and two clown loaches in a 37 tall, i have had them for almost a year and a half now.
I keep a parrot cichlid and two clown loaches in a 37 tall, i have had them for almost a year and a half now.
I've been open minded to your fishkeeping practices in past posts, but seriously, they deserve better than that. That tank isn't large enough for either species no matter how clean you keep it, and absolutely will stint your loaches if you don't upgrade them.

Edit -- and if your profile is indeed for real I don't think I'm going to be able to be so open minded about it in the future. Frankly, that's the kind of stock list I'd expect from a crappy LPS.
I have read in the buy and sell section you are after the free fish (2 clown loaches & 1 angel fish plus others). These are not suitable for the size tank you have, people are telling you this for the good of your fish not to have a go at you!

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