Halloween Pics

We don't celebrate it we call it remembrance day, when we are sopposed to remember the ones that passed away...

how very interesting! where are you from? (sorry, i collect cultural trivia)
As i have mentioned a lot of times I am from Slovenia, a small country, thatis now in Europe, and lies between Italy, Austria, Hungary and Croatia. :)
oops! i seem to recall reading that now... :blush: thank you for indulging me anyways with a repeat of the information.

(i must really commend you on your English as well--you outperform many native speakers. i just wish i was that close to being billingual. :nod:)
Thanks I am only 13 and I learned most of English (funy enough) from TV and internet (how can you find caresheets if you don't know English??), so the next time anyone says those 2 aren't beneficial they can read this. :D :p

EDIT: We dress up in costumes on a totally different occasion, little time before winter's end (it's every year at a different time) to scare the winter away, and welcome the spring (at least that's the description).
Well I didn't dress up this year but I have one from last year...


  • Rachael_at_work_.jpg
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I can't believe I missed this post....I guess it's a bit late but here's some pics from my Halloween :hey:

Me and my roomy..im on the left





Haha, it reminds me of Shawn Of The Dead!!!! (One of the best movies ever made, honestly!) :p

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