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  1. D

    Finally got my 370 Gallon home!

    I'm so very sorry that I haven't been here in a while to answer all these questions :X mwm: Yep, the tank came with 2 filters and a heater. Rdelusion: I'm not too sure :unsure: I think it's U.S. Lenna: I live in Western Australia. Helium_Junkie: The glass is around 1cm thick. I was...
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    10 Gallon Plant problems

    I positive it wasen't the oto's, it has to have been bad lighting or nutrients :unsure:
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    Finally got my 370 Gallon home!

    I'll go with the second choice then. I also heard that discus are expensive and if I wanted to fill up my tank with a shaol of them that's going to cost quiet a bit :unsure:
  4. D

    which link do you prefer?

    I want to keep with because I'm use to it, and I hate change.
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    Finally got my 370 Gallon home!

    The cost was $850.95 that was pretty good, I've seen 8 Gallon tanks for $112 :crazy: If a planted tank is going to cost a lot, I don't think I will be going with that idea than -_-
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    Finally got my 370 Gallon home!

    I been doing some reaserch on large fish and I've decided to go with ( a few choices here): First Choice: Shoal of Discus Shoal of Angelfish Second Choice: #2 Giant Gourami #1 Common Pleco #1 Black Shark Third Choice: Shoal of Pacu Fourth Choice Cichlids I wish that I could have...
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    Finally got my 370 Gallon home!

    Looks like most people here want to go with a cichlid tank, I do want something that really stands out with bright colours -_- I mean most of my tanks don't have plants because of the fish that are inside. I need something that really shows, so that if you walk into that room the first thing you...
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    Finally got my 370 Gallon home!

    I don't know really what to do with this tank :unsure: Should it be a Cichlid tank, a freshwater community or a tank fulll of huge fish? Mabye I do create a poll and go with the highest voted answer. What do you think?
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    Finally got my 370 Gallon home!

    Sorry I haven't replied in a while, this tank is taking ages to setup :blink: I got one side of the glass clean (Finally!) and I'm still working on the other 3 side and the bottom. Who ever had this tank before me didn't really look after it :angry: There are so many white marks all over the...
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    Finally got my 370 Gallon home!

    Thanks for the replies :D I didn't get to finish setting up the tank -_- I didn't know that it would take so long to scrub of all the dirt on the glass (this tank has been used before). I managed to get of most of the dirt by I'll try again tomorrow. I got a heater and 3 filters, I didn't...
  11. D

    What fish do you think is underrated?

    Overrated: Clownfish, All little kids think they are so good after the movie finding nemo. Clownfish are nice but the way some people keep them is horrifing :crazy: Underrated: Oscars, Archer Fishes, Mono's, Scats and many more.
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    Finally got my 370 Gallon home!

    I finally got my 370 Gallon home :) I had to beg my father to let me use his car, because it's much bigger than mine and the 370 Gallon could fit into it, only after I moved all the seats and even remove some :whistle: The 370 Gallon is in place right now, it took all night to setup to wooden...
  13. D

    How often do you test your water??

    It's usually once a week, but if I'm too busy or forget it would be the week after. I write down the Brackish-Water parameters in one note book, the Freshwater in another and (when my saltwater tank is finished being set up and running) my Saltwater in yet another small note book. I does get...
  14. D

    240 Gallon Tank

    Don't worry I won't add them all at once Navarre :) I'm pretty sure my floor is strengthened enough, all concrete under the tiles. My 240 Gallon is in a spare room (with all my other tanks exept my 10 Gallon and 15 Gallon) just for my aquariums and fish things.
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    A Squirrel encounter

    Really cute squirrel Cian McLiam :D Nice pictures too!
  16. D


    In my Oscar Tank I have large pebbles layed on the bottom, the pebbles are larger than their mouths though, much larger. Just incase they decided to try and eat one it would be too big to fit in there mouth and get stuck.
  17. D

    240 Gallon Tank

    Thanks Navarre :) So these are the fish, coral and invertabrates I'm going to add. #2 Common Clownfish Amphiprion ocellaris #1 Coral Beauty Centropyge bispinosus #1 Bicolour Cherub Centropyge bicolor #6 Wreckfish Anthias squamipinnis #5 Spotted Cardinalfish Sphaeramia nematoptera #2 Firefish...
  18. D

    240 Gallon Tank

    Sorry I didn't know that I needed that many snails and hermit crabs :unsure: If I could I would like to add some of the cleaning crew that you typed down Navarre, or more likely all that you typed down. Turbo Snails Hermit Crabs Cerith snails Algea blenny Sandsifter startfish Urchin How many...
  19. D

    240 Gallon Tank

    Thank you very much Narrave :) I'm pretty sure I understood all that needs to be done with the building of the tank, now I just need to get everything :blink: That reminds me, my 370 Gallon is still at the lfs. I just want to touch up with the stocking so that everything is correct and I don't...
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    Holy flying fish Batman!

    Swordtails are also known jumpers and can jump long lenghts. Sorry about your swordtail :-(
  21. D

    240 Gallon Tank

    Your correct on the many more questions :blush: Don't worry only a few, I hope :unsure: 1. If I can put the rocks on the eggcrate does that mean I don't need a reefrack? 2. With the powerheads, I'm a litle confused. How is the powerhead connected? 3. You know how in your tanks you placed...
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    240 Gallon Tank

    Thanks again Navarre for all help :) My father says you put a lot of work into that last post and mabye you should even write a book about the way you keep your marine aquariums, because a lot of people would read it. Including him. :D (My father isen't a fishkeeper, but he loves looking at all...
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    Got the 15 Gallon!

    Thanks for the replies., I guess that the fish I want in there are ok then?
  24. D

    240 Gallon Tank

    Thanks Navarre :) I removed all the sand, gravel and gravel tidy covering so right now I'm left with a empty tank again. Do you know where I can get a reefrack? Mabye I should ask my lfs if they have one. A few more questions :blush: If I can't use the underground filter then should I use...
  25. D

    240 Gallon Tank

    Woah, this is getting harder and I have't even really started :unsure: I stopped all the electricity run items in the tank and took out the heater, air pump, thermometer, protein skimmer. If the underground filter is going to be a problem I better take it out -_- I have already taken out half...
  26. D

    240 Gallon Tank

    I would like to have a reef tank, if that is possible. No angels if they will attack the coral and everything. I have finished setting up the tank, is this the correct way? 1. I put in an underground filter and covered it with gravel that went 2.5cm high. I flattened the gravel and covered it...
  27. D

    Usual boring what fish question?

    So your 120L will be empty after you move all the fish right? Why don't you have some Gouramis inside?
  28. D

    Got the 15 Gallon!

    Thank you for the reply, I finished setting up the 240 Gallon yesterday, there was sand everywhere :blink: but I managed in the end :) The type of gourami I want to add is the giant species that grow to around 60cm, the Sucker Catfish grows to around 40-50cm. So these are really big fish. Is...
  29. D

    240 Gallon Tank

    Hi everyone! I my other post in the Beginner Question you can see that I got 3 new tanks, well with this one I want to make it a Saltwater. The problem is that this will be my first saltwater tank :unsure: I am in the middle of setting it up and everything (with a few saltwater tank books placed...
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    Got the 15 Gallon!

    After school today I finally had the time to got to the lfs and look for a 15 Gallon. I found one at a really good price, only because it had been used before but that's ok because the filter and heater are new. It's only the tank and gravel that have been used before so I'm going to wash before...
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    Fish Suggestions

    Most tetras need at least a 10 Gallon tank and that might also be too small for those little energetic guys. What about a few Cherry Barbs and Otocinclus Chooket?
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    150 oscars in a pool

    What an idea! If you want to go with it I won't stop you, hope you have enough money though, it's going to cost loads!
  33. D

    What brand "staple" flake food do you use?

    I use Hikari flake foods for my Leopard Danio. My Glassfish, Mudskippers, Archers, Monos, Scats and Oscars always get live foods like crickets, woodlice, earthworms, bloodworms and of course the leftover lettuce. My upside-down catfish, chocolate gourami and kuhli loaches also get live foods but...
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    Who uses heaters

    I use a heater in all of my tanks. I get too scared that if I turn it off the temperature might suddenly change!
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    I just scrub my tanks. It does get annoying but it has to be done unless I don't want to see inside my tank anymore and I do want to see the fish inside there.
  36. D

    Are my Tanks stocked correctly?

    I like the idea of sand so I go with that. I'll also keep with the panda corydoras, don't want the danio's swimming space to be taken away from them. If the snails keep the sand clean I might get some of them too. Thank you cutterydrawer and Phantom Thief :)
  37. D

    Are my Tanks stocked correctly?

    Fine gravel or sand, oh dear :unsure: I got large pebbles in my 10 Gallon tank, so I guess I better change then. Sand sounds interesting, it's like gravel right? You have to wash it before you put it in the tank? Don't worry I know about cycling and everything.
  38. D

    Are my Tanks stocked correctly?

    Panda corydoras? Ok, I'll get them. How big do they grow? Appropriate substrate? What do you mean by that clutterdraw? Sorry for all the questions, I have neverkept corydoras before :*)
  39. D

    ever wonder...

    I have a self-starting syphon like sunflower, so no water tasting for me.
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    He/She's a survivor!

    The fish I had the longest where my Oscars. I never had any real big disasters in my tank so I wrote down the fish I had the longest :)