Are my Tanks stocked correctly?

Panda corydoras? Ok, I'll get them. How big do they grow? Appropriate substrate? What do you mean by that clutterdraw?
Sorry for all the questions, I have neverkept corydoras before :*)
Most corydoras require either very fine gravel or sand. This is because gravel with rough edges will damage the cory's delicate barbels. Panda corys only get to 1 inch i think.

Fine gravel or sand, oh dear :unsure:
I got large pebbles in my 10 Gallon tank, so I guess I better change then. Sand sounds interesting, it's like gravel right? You have to wash it before you put it in the tank? Don't worry I know about cycling and everything.
As long as the pebbles do not have rough edges, it can be used. It wouldnt be the optimum substrate, but you can use it. And yes, you have to wash sand before you put it in the tank.

Panda cories are bigger than 1". They're more like 2" or 1.5" at the lowest. There are pygmy cory species - C. Pygmaeus, C. Hastatus and C. Habrosus which only reach 1"- but they spend a lot of their time swimming mid water so if you're looking specifically for a subtrate-dwelling fish then you'd be better with pandas.

They would probably be ok with large gravel as long as it's smooth but they'd be much happier with eitehr fine gravel or sand. The gravel I have in my tank is about this big for the biggest pieces: ... and my pandas were fine with it, when i had them. But i've heard a lot of people say that after switching to sand their cories became more active so it's probably worth a try. :)

You can use either sand form the lfs, sandpit sand, or pool filter sand. apparently pool filter sand is better cos it's heavier (doesn't mess up your filter) and doesn't compact easily. if using sand you need to stir it witha stick every now and then to stop dead spots forming. Or get malaysian trumpet snails which burrow around in the substrate and aerate it for you :)
I like the idea of sand so I go with that. I'll also keep with the panda corydoras, don't want the danio's swimming space to be taken away from them. If the snails keep the sand clean I might get some of them too.
Thank you cutterydrawer and Phantom Thief :)
I have heard a lot of good things about those particular snails - ie, they aerate the substrate, they dont eat plants, and they only reproduce in line with how much food is available. So as long as yo udon't overfeeed the fish you wont be overrun by snails. sounds good to me! :nod:

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