Finally got my 370 Gallon home!

Id avoid stocking the tank with anything that doesnt grow to at least 5 inches, with a tank that size you are bound to want to stock a larger fish at some point and having small fish will limit you as generally small fish=food for big fish.
At the end of the day, it's your decision. But I've got to side with VIP and CFC on this, BIG Cichlids. They got colour and personality in spades!!! That peacock Bass that VIP put up on page 1 of this thread looks AWESOME. I'm gonna get me a monster tank next year that I can put some of them in.
As for plants, I think it depends on the typr of Cichlid. I know my Severum rips plants to shreds, so I can't keep any in the tank with him. But my other big tank with an Eartheater, and Blue Acara is planted and fine. They do have a nibble at the leaves every now and then, but don't tear them up!!
I agree with a lot of the other people on here who have said that a community in a tank that size would be a waste, but like I said. It's your decision

(GO FOR CICHLIDS!!! :lol: :lol: )
Another thing i will add is dont even think about trying to make it a planted aquarium unless you have a small fortune to spend on lighting, even trying to supply 2 watts per gallon for hardy plants requires around fifteen 60" flouresent tubes. For the majority of plants that need 3 or 4 watts per gallon you will need a set of metal halide lamps which are mega expensive, the bulbs alone are around £50 a piece for a 250 watt bulb and the housing rack for 3x250w lights will set you back over £700!
Do you mind saying how much it was? -_- I wouldnt go with community tropicals...Unless its bala sharks, Africans will stand out Very well some electric blues,yellows, all that kidna stuff would be really coool! Maybe a giant oscar tank! DONT Get Pirahanas tho... :sly:
I been doing some reaserch on large fish and I've decided to go with ( a few choices here):

First Choice:

Shoal of Discus
Shoal of Angelfish

Second Choice:

#2 Giant Gourami
#1 Common Pleco
#1 Black Shark

Third Choice:

Shoal of Pacu

Fourth Choice


I wish that I could have Piranha's, but these fish are illegal in Australia :X
I've been looking though a few fish books looking for the different breeds of cichlids but there are so many! I don't even know if some of them are illegal in Australia :crazy: , I've seen some cichlids in the lfs but I'm never kept them before.

I like the first and second choice the best because with the first one these fish have a lot of colour and will stand out very well. They also work well with plants :) With the second choice these guys are *big* fish :D
The cost was $850.95 that was pretty good, I've seen 8 Gallon tanks for $112 :crazy:
If a planted tank is going to cost a lot, I don't think I will be going with that idea than -_-
Remember that discus need very specific water parameters (soft and acidic) and if your tapwater doesnt match these then it will mean having to invest in a large R/O unit to supply water for water changes. Also discus need regular large water changes to be kept at their best, many discus keepers and breeders change 20% or more daily, thats a lot of water to change in a week on a 370 gallon tank.
I'll go with the second choice then. I also heard that discus are expensive and if I wanted to fill up my tank with a shaol of them that's going to cost quiet a bit :unsure:
*~*DaRk_AnGeL*~* said:
The cost was $850.95 that was pretty good, I've seen 8 Gallon tanks for $112 :crazy:
If a planted tank is going to cost a lot, I don't think I will be going with that idea than -_-
Wat currency is that in?
So thats about 800 CAN not bad not bad. Did that come with filters and stuff? Lookin into bala sharks! their so cool ive never heard of anyone with enough room to keep a school of them till now :p
pacu's is australia cost like $400 each, and even then i dont think your tank could hold more than 2. Darkangel you stuffed up like me, i brought my 500g tank for $1300 but then looked in the trading post and seen a 800g for $490 so now you can join me in kicking our selfs lol
I wouldnt go for Angels or Discus. There is so much more you can do with a tank that size.

I would get a shoal of red-tailed black sharks, a nice big pleco and some lovely catfish!

I would get a shoal of red-tailed black sharks, a nice big pleco and some lovely catfish!

Even in 370 gallons redtailed black sharks will still fight, they are not a schooling species and their natural behaviour is to avoid each other as much as possible.

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