Fish Suggestions


Sleepy Chook
Dec 13, 2003
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Sleeping Somewhere. Or doing water changes. Or run
On the weekend I rearranged my 30gal tank as I had to clean it out well anyway and I thought the fish might like a change in environment (if they really care)....sicne then, one of my male platies has tuned quite nasty in attacking the other adult male platy :no:(there is also a platy "fry"...meaning...nearly adult size but not there).....he is leaving the "fry" and females and other fish alone.....for some reason he has taken to nipping at the fins of my red male platy, Akhtar....fortunately there is not a huge amount of damage and he is in the 10gal in salt at the moment to keep infections in that he is out of "danger" he is starting to act normal again (he hadn't been eating when with the aggro one)

SO....I have 5 fry in a 6gal tank that I will soon be moving to the 10 gall..once the male platy looks normal again...once the 6gall is empty I will be putting my aggro male platy in is a 6gal tank and I am sure he'd be OK on his own, but I was just thinking of putting some other fish in there...obviously I don't want platies in case he turns on them too...

The 6gal tank is an all in one tank which has quite a strong filter current so bettas are out of the question....the tank has been cycled for 3 months so can handle more than one fish.....

I am open to any new fish suggestions!!! (except guppies which I allready have in my 30gall)....

THANKS :nod:
Most tetras need at least a 10 Gallon tank and that might also be too small for those little energetic guys. What about a few Cherry Barbs and Otocinclus Chooket?
A single Gouami? I know it seems cramped, but Ive seen it done and the fish didnt seem to mind he jsut swam around and ate and swam around and ate and swam aournd and see where im going....But He did the same thigns they do in bigger tanks but in a 8 gal...Just a though.

~dan sure it is a small one!(dwarf) :kana:
A betta is the only thing you can keep in a 6 gal IMHO
More platies? :lol:

I doubt a betta would do too well in strong currents, danio2004.

How about an ADF and a few otos or cories?

try a pair of sword tails. I think they could be ok in there. But yet again i dont really know alot about them.
My cardinals and rummy-nose tetras do fine in the 6 gallon and I've had them for years with no problems. :D
Nisha said:
My cardinals and rummy-nose tetras do fine in the 6 gallon and I've had them for years with no problems. :D
But shoaling fish need room to swim, and to you know, shoal.

You may be able to psyically fit a fish in a tank but that does not mean that it has the room it needs to swim and grow.

JMO :/
Cheese Specialist said:
Nisha said:
My cardinals and rummy-nose tetras do fine in the 6 gallon and I've had them for years with no problems. :D
But shoaling fish need room to swim, and to you know, shoal.

You may be able to psyically fit a fish in a tank but that does not mean that it has the room it needs to swim and grow.

JMO :/
And it doesn't mean that they don't/won't have internal problems as well. :no:
OK....I like the idea of harlequin rasboras but as of yet haven't done any reading.....would these be OK? I have at least 2-3 weeks before I will be buying anything so still have plenty of time to research fish options.

Ummm....what else did I like...

Oh yeah....I like cherry barbs....i also thought of putting my whiteskitr tetras in there since they only associate with each other in the 30gall anyway....

And the tank is heated....

Looks like I have a lot of reading to do....too many choices!!!
Hi, :)

If you can't go with a Betta I would get one or two dwarf puffers.

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