Finally got my 370 Gallon home!

Yes...come back DarkAngel...we are starving for lack of info! :D

I bet she's too busy setting up that lovely tank...*grumbles*
some pretty regular sized gouramis, ones that aren't too agressive for a community tank because i've had that problem!
don't let those obsessive aggressive guys push ya around . . . I think the massive community tank is a cool idea. The toughest part will be buying and planting all the plants if you are going to have a planted tank . . . I doubt you have a hood massive enough, so forget the hatchets as they will jump. I personally think cardinals look nicer but whatever.

Some fish I'm recommending to your already fine list of cories, neons, and ottos:

clown loaches
gouramis (you can get a lot of 2-4inch species)
royal pleco (if you can find one, it's a beautiful fish)
rams (I love rams!)
cockatoo cichlid
red tailed shark (DO NOT mix red tailed shark with othr asian algae eaters)
Sorry I haven't replied in a while, this tank is taking ages to setup :blink: I got one side of the glass clean (Finally!) and I'm still working on the other 3 side and the bottom. Who ever had this tank before me didn't really look after it :angry: There are so many white marks all over the side corners :angry:

Whoa, so many questions to answer! :eek:

Oh the tanks measurments are (this is an approximate because I was using a 30cm ruler) Hight: 93cm Length: 282cm Width: 104cm. Hope that gives you an idea of how it looks :)

My fathers car is pretty large, an 8 seater (My father needs a large car for his job, as he delivers computors, monitors, keyboards and many other things). I had to take out the back seats and move the middle ones so that I could fit it in. And no, I couldn't carry it myself :X I had to ask for help :*)

No, the tank isen't as big as a room :crazy: That would just be gigantic!

My dad was only a little bit angry at me for using his car. I scratched the insides of the car a bit :whistle: Let's hope he dosen't see :look:

I keep the 370 Gallon in a spare bedroom that became my Aquarium room (I keep most of my tanks in there). You don't want to know the amount of hassel it took to get it in there :crazy:

It did cost quiet a bit :X I'm out of cash right now, well almost :lol:

I'll be taking pictures soon, I so busy right now :/ Too bad my dad's digital camera is broken :sad:

I wonder why everyone is so amazed by the size of my tank, I mean I'm sure I've seen someone on this forum have a larger one :hyper: Thanks for being amazed anyway :D It's a lot of work though -_- I don't even want to think of how I'm going to put the gravel and plants in :crazy:
I don't know really what to do with this tank :unsure: Should it be a Cichlid tank, a freshwater community or a tank fulll of huge fish?
Mabye I do create a poll and go with the highest voted answer.
What do you think?
i'm afraid if you put a bunch of small fish (like panda cories) into a tank that size htey'll simply be lost and never seen again!!

Planting that tank would be one hard sob...all those plants that u'll need! and they're all really small too, wow! i'd personally go with cichlids becuase i liek them. Big fish are cool too, it reallyd epends on your taste :thumbs:
Do a South/Central Cichlid Community Aquarium. It would be better than community fish because the community fish don't have good personalities like Cichlids do. You could get tons and tons of cichlids! But I do like the idea of 50+ Neons. :hey:

Whatever you do, don't understock the tank with that big of tank, it would look empty.
Looks like most people here want to go with a cichlid tank, I do want something that really stands out with bright colours -_- I mean most of my tanks don't have plants because of the fish that are inside. I need something that really shows, so that if you walk into that room the first thing you will spot is that tank. That tanks that are in my spare room are:

370 Gallon Tropical Tank
240 Gallon Saltwater Tank
145 Gallon Tropical Tank
70 Gallon Brackish-Water Aquarium
20 Gallon Brackish-Water Aquarium
20 Gallon Tropical Aquarium

The only tank that has a lot of plants is the 20Gal and compared to all the others, it's isen't really too much colour :unsure:
Can you keep plants with cichlids?

I really like the idea of having a heavily planted tank with a large shoal of Cardinal Tetra ;) All the colours :wub: :drool:
*bows down before 370gallon*

that must be a freakin' wall!
any chance we get to see some pic's? *puppy dog look* ^_^
I wish i had a tank like that, I would make it an african cichlid tank.

But tropicals still good, there are so many to chose from. Wow just thinking about the size of the school u can have. 50 Neons with no problems WOW
mike5531 said:
yer sorry even so it sill would be massive and i still doubt it would fit in a car
You are 100% right, or though it could fit into a station wagon, my 500g tank came bu the lfs's truck to my front door (Didnt fit in there though lol)
what are the tanks h/w/d so then we would have a better idea of what can go in it, i wouldnt go with tetras or barbs i see it as a big waste of space.
Vip said:
what are the tanks h/w/d so then we would have a better idea of what can go in it, i wouldnt go with tetras or barbs i see it as a big waste of space.
She said

Oh the tanks measurments are (this is an approximate because I was using a 30cm ruler) Hight: 93cm Length: 282cm Width: 104cm. Hope that gives you an idea of how it looks
I just wanted to say .......think long and hard before you make a firm decision on what to put in that tank. I got a 100g tank and did it as a community tank, and I kind of regret it now as I really want big fish. I really want an arrowana (although I'd probably need a bigger tank than my 100g cos they grow too big). Do make sure that you get what you actually want, rather than being persuaded too much on here. Advice is nice, but only if you agree with it. :D

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