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  1. D

    Chocolate gouramis

    Thanks for ur help sylvia. If i was going to get the chocolate gouramis i would dedicate a 30G to them that i was recently given... Strictly species only. I think i have a male/ female pair. Looking at the fins, the fin (always mix up the names) below the body of the gourami in males is a lot...
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    Crocodile Gars?

    Lol, u must have had a big tank..! dman
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    letting a fish 'suffocate'??

    Suffocation!! Holy crap, suffocation as opposed to a long and painful death!? Bizarre and very cruel. Dman
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    Been in the hobby for 18months, ive had 6 fish die and then fry that were unsuccessfully raised unfortunately...
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    Question for L.F.S. workers

    Lol dont worry about it bloozoo, we use tetra just because each kit comes with so many tests, and so they last for a long time if we're testing customers water..
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    Multi tank syndrome- how quickly do you succumb

    I used to have MTS big style!! But only have the one tank at the moment, i think its getting lonely, its need friends! Lol, i dont want more tanks, i neeed more tanks! dman
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    help Just after some advice

    If the java fern is suriving, then maybe try some other fine leaved plants. I've had the same problem, all of my broader leaved plants get anhilated, so i tried some finer leaved plants and they are still going strong.. Couldn't recommend a particular one but just anything with finer leaves!
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    choosing the correct algae eater

    Good idea Wolf, me thinks it should be pinned, no idea where though lol.
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    Question for L.F.S. workers

    Tetra for us!
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    fish tank instalation and maintaince

    Yeah, i personally havent, but the LFS i work for does this. We design, build and maintain aquariums all over Yorkshire. It is also becoming far more popular... I've only ever helped out once but it was ace, we had to install a 10foot long marine tank, by 3' wide by 4' tall. It was wicked. There...
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    What ticks you off about customers?

    In theory Jules, everything you say makes sense. However, as an LFS employee myself, a large majority of the customers do not know enough about their fish. Obviously, you get customers who put great time and money into their tanks and consider every purchase with great detail, but for someone...
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    Crocodile Gars?

    Absolutely awesome! I'd love to see one fully grown in the wild, altho the chances of that are pretty slim! Thanks, Dman99
  13. D

    Chocolate gouramis

    Thanks for everyones replies. Wow, a complicated fish! Very nice though, after reading that im still interested in keeping them so i think im going to keep them in mind but do some more research. The ones at my lfs are very small and are 3.99 UK pounds per fish, is that a reasonable price? Also...
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    Crocodile Gars?

    Wow! Possibly 120 inches, 10 foot! They sound amazing, they look it aswel. I knew gars got quite big but... What sort of adult size do Florida and Aligator gars reach? Thanks CFC, dman
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    Crocodile Gars?

    At my LFS yesturday i saw some crocodile gars, theyre awesome! I'm not actually going to get any because they dont fit in with my other fish/ future fish but i just thought they were unusual and pretty cool. Does anyone keep these or has kept them in the past because i'd love to know a little...
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    Chocolate gouramis

    I was at my lfs yesturday, and whilst looking through their tanks they had some chocolate gouramis, they were 1inch inc tail maximum, absolutely gorgeous, are they like other gouramis? I'm guessing they grow to about 3 inches? My oscar has a new home waiting for it, so very soon i will have some...
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    What is your ideal tank?

    CFC that tank sounds amazing! I would love a natural tank such as that, which holds different substrates and sections of natural water, like the sunken forrest. It would be absolutely awesome. Natural tanks, i think, are cool just because you are recreated nature properly and so something like...
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    Attention cichlid freaks

    I second that, whilst theres a pinned topic for appistos and smaller more common cichlids we need one for adequate care for larger new world cichlids such as oscars, discus etc. Pike cichlids get bought so often as small little cute fish and turn into apparent 10inch monsters but if only people...
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    Worst Fish

    CAE's! They just do nothing apart from terrorise other fish and theyre just boring!
  20. D

    Been offered a 30G but want to know what i can

    Thanks for everyones replies. The tank holds 30G, so its not too big but not too small. I am not too sure what fish i want in it but i tend to like the more unusual fish. I've just been trying to think of entire stocking lists, so i came up with a shoal of coryies of undecided type, a group of...
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    Been offered a 30G but want to know what i can

    To cut a long story short my next door neighbour offered me his redundant 36 X 12 X 18 tank today. I have no idea i want in the tank but would be curious as to what fish i can keep in the tank that is a little more unusual... Or anything really from puffers to gobies to catfish. Just want to...
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    My tank size is: 90G My fish are: Check the sig! My next fish is: When the Oscar's older and gone, i want a group of Butterflyfish. My saddest loss is: My largest Koi Angel, he was the King of one of my old 50G's, after his death his female friend became more and more lonely before passing...
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    Freshwater bumblebee gobies and my tank?

    Thanks for the reply. Oh ok, nevermind! I'm jst exploring the options lol. dman
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    Freshwater bumblebee gobies and my tank?

    In a few months time i will be moving my oscar out of my tank to be taken to my lfs, as ive struck up an agreement with them to buy him/her back from me for a better price and theyre going to use him/her for one of their aquariums that they install and maintain (so will be looked after). Once...
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    My brother has a Juwel Rekord 60. The tank itself is very good but the equipment less so, if buying again i would buy my own conponents and so would not go for Juwel, altho the tank itself has never had any problems!
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    My brother has a Juwel Rekord 60. The tank itself is very good but the equipment less so, if buying again i would buy my own conponents and so would not go for Juwel, altho the tank itself has never had any problems!
  27. D

    Seen the fish i want!

    Lol, it would appear that i contradicted myself! 6 inches is definately when im rehoming him, ive decided! lol Thanks, dman
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    Scribble Pleco

    Lol ive just looked at a few more pictures and theyre beginning to look less and less like zebras! Lol, theyre cool anyways, i like the colouration, what size do they reach on average? Dman
  29. D

    Seen the fish i want!

    Today i took the 3 CAE's, the 1 Clown Loach and the 2 Blue Opaline Gouramis to my LFS. They were rehomed for a friend and he has said that he didnt mind me taking them work so theyre gone! I have however kept the oscar, he will be gone in a few months but i put any ideas of buying new fish to...
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    Scribble Pleco

    Cool, ive seen pictures and they look slightly like zebra plecs but the colouring is not as bright. A friend at work said if i wanted one i could get it special ordered in so just a little curious. Don't think im actually gunna do it but theyre still pretty cool!
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    Seen the fish i want!

    The fish aren't gunna die, the oscar is gonna get moved by the time he is 6 inches!!
  32. D

    Scribble Pleco

    Hey y'all Does anybody own one of these or has information about them? Just curious! dman
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    Seen the fish i want!

    Yeah i am moving some of the fish. The clown loach, the CAE's and the blue opaline gouramis were all rehomed for a friend. I am planning on removing them asap, to my lfs. The synodontis nigriventris, i know they should be in groups but when i bought them, they were the last 2 in the tank and...
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    Spotted leaf fish

    Thanks CFC and cometcattle, it is definately not the perch, it looks similar to the leaf fish you posted a link to cometcattle, the juvenile i saw is different to that picture but i could imagine it growing up to be like that. Thanks, thats solved my problems, im not actually going to buy any...
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    Seen the fish i want!

    Thanks yvez! Nevermind lol dman
  36. D

    Angel fish

    Buy a couple more plants! Lol, after a while the roots should grow so you should get wide growth around the current plants, it does take a while though! Angelfish are an alright community fish, they can be territorial, they can as easily not be tho. They dont do that well with neon tetras...
  37. D

    Seen the fish i want!

    Hey everybody, recently ive been having problems 'finishing' my tank. I went to my lfs yesturday and saw loads of fish. I took note what i wanted and so am trying to find out a little more! I saw spotted leaf fish, african butterflyfish, synodontis nigritas and ACF's. I liked the look of all...
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    where has my cory gone?

    I'm afraid i cant help! The same happened to me ages ago. One day i had 2 bronze cories and the next day i did not have 2 bronze cories, never seen them since, and never found any remains!! Odd! dman
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    Spotted leaf fish

    Nope! It's not a catfish. It's base colour is yellow and it has brownish dots all over it. They were acting like normal leaf fish, for example standing vertically in the tank. The body shape is also similar but ive not heard of it before!! thanks dman