Angel fish


Fish Crazy
Oct 12, 2004
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:) Hi all wondering who knows what angel fish can and cant go with?
And also my plants are growing upwards in the tank but not spreading :unsure: what should i do the growth is very fast but i want them all over!

Thanks :D
Buy a couple more plants! Lol, after a while the roots should grow so you should get wide growth around the current plants, it does take a while though!

Angelfish are an alright community fish, they can be territorial, they can as easily not be tho.

They dont do that well with neon tetras (natural angel food)
Tiger Barbs should probably be avoided b'cuz of the fin nipping. Just generally boisterous fish aint the best idea but apart from that theres a lot they can go with!

Hope that helps,
what size tank are we talking about, as that will have a baring on suitable tank mates.
Can angel fish be in a tank with: opaline gourami
siamese fighter
female guppies
neon tetras(i have heard this would be a no)
i guess it would work out, except the neons since he will end up eting them...
Try putting angels together with a dwarf gourami, very compatible IMO. They get on alright with a betta but it depends on each and every situation, as with neons.

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