where has my cory gone?

Dawney G

Fish Fanatic
Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
I had a bronze corydorus, who has litterally just dissapeared!!
I have looked everywere in my tank that it could be.
He was there one day and gone the next.
I also have in my tank; a silver shark (not catfish), 3 other corys, a sucker loach, neons, fire head tetras, rosey tetras and a siamese fighter. None of the obviouse ones looked fatter than normal, there is no sign of any remains.
I am really confused about this, and would like to find out where he is gone.
please help!!!
I'm afraid i cant help! The same happened to me ages ago. One day i had 2 bronze cories and the next day i did not have 2 bronze cories, never seen them since, and never found any remains!!


one of my corys managed to get out of the hole in the back of my tank where the cables for the heater and filter go. i didnt think corys could jump. look behind your tank.
I doubt very much that he has got out from my tank but i will certanly have a look to ease my mind after you mentioned that.
dawney g
I would look in the tank agian and then if you dont find him look around the tank. How big is your biggest fish in the tank and how big was your cory.
Same thing happened to me...one night, 4 cories. The next day, 3 cories. Hmmm....noticed that the cat was pretty wet. You can imagine what happened...poor cory thought it was feeding time when he heard the splashing and came up to the top of the tank :X
I have looked in the tank and around the tank, no luck. my biggest fish is a silver shark (not catfish) but he didnt look fat on the day i realised he had gone. neither did any of the others. They all live in a 16 gallon tank.
about 6 inches long, and is female. (if that makes any difference)
the cory was about 2.5inches long.
A 6 inch shark in a 16g? Not good. Schooling fish, will get twice that size. Anyhoo, is the 'sucker loach' a Chinese algae eater? They are nasty things, and that could have killed it. I know it didn't look any fatter, but if everyone picked off bits, then they possibly wouldn't have.
Oohfeeshy, i have been through the silver shark isue in a 16 gallon tank. I bought a 10 gallon tank with the shark in it, so i put her in my 16 gallon to give her more room. I am currently finding a 50+gallon tank home for her now. So i have it sorted.

No idea about the loach as to what sort it is, all i know is it is a golden sucker loach. I am interested as to what sort it is though so i will look it up.

Also, I have just had a neon teta die and its taken them 3 days to finish it, so wouldnt i know if they had killed and started eating my cory?
Yeah, I just read up on your silver shark thingy. Thought there might be a reason behind it but didn't edit because I gathered you'd read my posy already :) I think the loach is actually a CAE, I'm sure they come in 'golden' varieties as well. TBH I doubt you'll find it now. Act like you won't find it and it will probably appear out of nowhere :lol: Well, mebbe not.
:lol: Iv tried the acting like it wont come back thing, it doesnt seem to work. It looks like my beautiful cory is well and truly gone!! :sad:
I will miss him, he was one of my original fishes.
Lets just hope i dont fnd any remains when i clean out my tank. :sick:
dawney g

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