Scribble Pleco


Fish Crazy
Dec 2, 2004
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Hey y'all

Does anybody own one of these or has information about them?

Just curious!

Scribble plecs or Network plecs are more commonly called king Tiger plecs (L066)

Get to about 5" and prefere a meaty diet (wont eat algae)

they breed relatively easily in a tank with the females being plumper and the males being 'hairyer'
Saw a King Tiger Plec in person for the first time last week, they look awesome.
Cool, ive seen pictures and they look slightly like zebra plecs but the colouring is not as bright. A friend at work said if i wanted one i could get it special ordered in so just a little curious. Don't think im actually gunna do it but theyre still pretty cool!
not being funny - but they look very different to zebras...

the have a dark brown base colour with lighter brown 'scribbles' all over them.
the juviniles have a lot more distinct colouration that gets more concentrated as they grow up (the scribbles get tighter together :))
Lol ive just looked at a few more pictures and theyre beginning to look less and less like zebras!

Lol, theyre cool anyways, i like the colouration, what size do they reach on average?


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