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  1. DarrenUnwin

    Expert Opinion Required

    Skifletch, Mr Miagi, shafty, jemram & sf05 Many many thanks for the replies and the comments have really made all the hard work worth while. I've tried to keep the tank simple, Carib sand, fiji live rock, internal deltec skimmer, 2 hydor equip 200 heater pumps, 3 maxi jet powerheads, and 4 T5...
  2. DarrenUnwin

    Expert Opinion Required

    To the experts, After 12 months of moving to Saltwater from freshwater, to celebrate the aniversary (aint I sad), i thought it would be useful to hear comments on my tank from the experts :D . The one thing you do not get back from reading all the text books is feedback, so here it goes...
  3. DarrenUnwin

    Picking Up Live Rock

    Ken The best way I have found to transport live rock is to either get home brew bins if its fairly local, this allows you to hold a fair bit of water as well (assuming buyer will let you have some :good: ). Failing that a good courier service and polystyrene boxes should suffice on a overnight...
  4. DarrenUnwin


    Kieran10, The heaters I use for my tank which is simular on size to your own are the hydor 280. Good heaters but with the added advantage that they have inbuilt water pumps to add that bit of extra flow in the tank. They come in two power strengths and flow rates. Highly recommended and never...
  5. DarrenUnwin

    Problem With Soft Coral

    Everyone thanks for the post, I have moved the coral to a more shady part of the tank where the flow is stronger. I hope it will recover, especially as its the one coral my wife loved in the LFS. :/ Many thanks
  6. DarrenUnwin

    Flower Pot Coral

    Hi Skifletch Dont want to steal the thread here as this is great info if a little worrying but just one very quick question. Does bleaching mean it will loose its color? When I bought the coral it was a yellow\white colour and has chnaged to an orange colour. I thought (maybe wrongly) that the...
  7. DarrenUnwin

    Flower Pot Coral

    Crawdaddy2003, Just shows how great (and worrying this hobby is), I have one show in the below pic which was yellow all over and is now turning to an orange colour and I too thought some thing was wrong with it. It still look healthy and extends out all the time but I would much prefer the...
  8. DarrenUnwin

    Problem With Soft Coral

    Team, Wonder if you could help. I purchased a soft coral from my LFS name escapes me but I asked the usual questions such as special care, light requirements etc. No major concerns, however the coral keep making new heads as in the picture,then discards them after about a week. Problem is each...
  9. DarrenUnwin

    Shrimp Help Please!

    Mike, I have a blood shrimp and a cleaner shrimp and have never had a problem with either, cleaner is more visible though. In my first set up I had two pepermint shrimps and they were very reclusive and didnt come out mouch until you fed the tank. Just my opinion, but if you have the money I...
  10. DarrenUnwin

    Cleaning Or Changing Live Sand

    Hi, Best thing I found for keeping my sand bright and clean is a sand sifting starfish. He just moves around the sand all day, occasionally burying itself completely, (I'm told to hunt for food). Either way he does a great job and diddnt cost too much. Since I had him I havent touch the sand...
  11. DarrenUnwin

    Do I Need A Ro Unit

    Callum, Definitely RO for best results, dont rely on your local water authority :sad: All four of my local fish shops stock RO-MAN so there always chance to get the replacemnet filter cartridges
  12. DarrenUnwin

    Ro Unit And Nitrates

    Guys, Thanks for the advice, I've been away so not had chance to do much, but I have ordered new filters and will get new test kit next time I'm at the LFS Cheers
  13. DarrenUnwin

    Ro Unit And Nitrates

    Hi all, I have a quick question regarding my RO unit which I purchased about 9 months ago, Basically I thought I would test the water it produced just to check what the readings were prior to me adding to the tank. I found all readings to be zero nitrite, phosphates etc but did see the...
  14. DarrenUnwin

    What Is This Stuff And Should We Remove It?

    Pessa, Please have a look at the following link which help classify all sort of algae and hitchhikers, found it very useful. Best Wishes Scubadaz
  15. DarrenUnwin

    Kalkwasser And Calcium

    Guys, These are great posts and many thanks for the advice, especially the bit about testing same time of day, never thought about that one :crazy: I only have 5 types of coral, all soft, but when you visit the LFS you see the vast range of addatives, you start to think "do I need this or...
  16. DarrenUnwin

    Kalkwasser And Calcium

    Hi Skifletch Many thanks for the article and advice. I have tried to research as much as I can on the net but sometimes you can read too much and you have just got to ask the experts. Think I will stick to the fortnightly water changes!!. As for the dosing, I was told that the Iodine...
  17. DarrenUnwin

    Kalkwasser And Calcium

    Hi, Appreciate this may be a stupid question, but could some one explain the difference between kalkwasser and liquid calcium. On the advice of my LFS I use the Kent Marine reef starter suppliments in my tank but see a lot of articles around on the net about kalkwasser and wondered if I should...
  18. DarrenUnwin

    Internal Deltec Skimmer And Rawphos Sponge

    Just to let anyone reading this thread, Yes it does work apart from the sponges are thinner than the filter you get with the Deltec and you have to double the Rawphos ones up, no problems to date.
  19. DarrenUnwin

    Advice On Protein Skimmer

    Hi, I had a simular problem when a change tanks and found an internal skimmer like the deltec works just as well as an external, OK you loose a little space, but clever placing of LR and halimeda( helps hide the unit. Only issue I could...
  20. DarrenUnwin

    Filtration For A 20 Gallon

    Agree with SkiFletch, I have a 30 gallon tank, 3 powerheads, two heaters (with pumps) and an internal skimmer. The live rock is well and almost totally pink now (3 months old) , only issue is a slightly high phosphate which could be treated as suggested above. Secrets in the regular water...
  21. DarrenUnwin

    Internal Deltec Skimmer And Rawphos Sponge

    Hi everyone, I have sent away for 5 rawphos sponges to try in my internal deltec skimmer instead of rigging up an empty cannister filter and a sock full of the normal stuff to help reduce a Phosphate problem. I intend removing the long sponge filter where the water comes out and cutting the...
  22. DarrenUnwin

    How Long To Wait Before Using Self Mixed Salt.

    Thanks everyone, one less thing to worry about. :)
  23. DarrenUnwin

    Location Of Powerheads

    Guys, Thanks for the post and advice, I think on hindsigt I may have over quoted the Live rock size, I check my invoices and there is 25 Kilos. I have also attached a picture so you can have a look (all being well) Thanks
  24. DarrenUnwin

    Location Of Powerheads

    Hi, I have a 30 gallon tank with 30 kilos of live rock on a sand bed. I have the powerheads hidden within the live rock and have had good corraline growth but have a couple of dead areas where waste builds up. Would it be better if the powerheads were attached onto the sides of the tank giving...
  25. DarrenUnwin

    How Long To Wait Before Using Self Mixed Salt.

    Hi, Could anyone tell me what the safe time is between mixing the salt with the RO water then adding to the tank. I do a 10 gallon change every fornight but have been away on holiday and forgot the mix the salt before going. In the past I have always mixed it a week in advance but the tank is...
  26. DarrenUnwin

    Fan Kits For Wooden Tank Hood

    Hi, is there anyone who could advise on the following. I have a 30 gallon (UK) tank built into a pine cabinet with matching hood (keeps her indoors happy with the decor) which was fine over the winter period, but now summer has arrived (OK in the UK is 2 days of sunshine and a thunder storm)...
  27. DarrenUnwin

    Deltec Protein Skimmer

    Hi, I have had a slightly simular issue, which I got round by lifting the cup higher in the unit so the foam isnt immediately flowing over the edge, reducing buble flow also helps via the value. Additionally I have noticed if I fill or position the whole skimmer too close to the maximum water...
  28. DarrenUnwin

    Help With My External Filter!

    Haulme, Been away for a while, just got back and I'm chuffed to bits it worked for you. I nearly took mine back at first. Dont worry about the pint, you might help me one day, thats whats good about the forum, your always learning, even if you dont always get chance to post. Scubadaz
  29. DarrenUnwin

    Help With My External Filter!

    Hi, I have exactly the same canister filter as you mention and I had exactly the same issue when starting it from new. If you check the pump blades are turning by taking the top off and cover to the pump housing. If they are not use a toothpick (not your fingers) :/ and just move the blade...
  30. DarrenUnwin

    Peppermint Shrimp Advice Required

    Aquascaper Many thanks for the reply, I will talk your advice onboard and let mother nature take its course. -_-
  31. DarrenUnwin

    Peppermint Shrimp Advice Required

    Is there anyone out there who could give me a bit of advice on the following. I have had a marine tank setup for the last 3 months and I purchased two peppermint shrimps as part of my clean up crew for the last 2.5 months. I have just noticed one of them (asumming it the female) is carrying...
  32. DarrenUnwin

    Conflicting Advice On Tank Setup From Lfs

    Hi all, this forum never ceases to amaze me with the nice people and expert knowledge in its replys, anyhow, Just thought I would give an update as steelhealr suggested and heres my first pics of the tank just after setting up the hardware and adding RO water. In the end I went with the closest...
  33. DarrenUnwin

    Conflicting Advice On Tank Setup From Lfs

    Navarre & Steelhealr, Many thanks to both of you for the advice, I'm really glad that both methods will work as I have used both LFS for some time and you know how you build up a relationship, especially having tropicals and outside pond for some years. I'm probably going to opt for the open...
  34. DarrenUnwin

    Conflicting Advice On Tank Setup From Lfs

    First of all, may I say this forum (including the nano tank diaries) has to be the best on the net and has inspired me to make that jump from keeping tropicals for the past 15 years to marines. Also a new addition to the family means I wont be diving in tropical waters for a while so its a good...