Do I Need A Ro Unit


Fish Crazy
Aug 18, 2006
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wiltshire england
to keep a succesful marine tank do i have to use ro water and if i do which one do you reccommed plz bear in mind i am a student so i dont have a lot of cash
Ro water is pretty much essential or marine fishkeeping. It is a near pure water, ideall for adding exactly what you want in the water, such as salt, PH buffer etc.

You can buy RO water from most fish shops, but for a large tank that can be as expensive as getting an RO unit at home.

I don't keep marines myself so I don't know which is the best, i guess they all do the same thing. "RO Man" is a brand i have seen in shops and advertised in fish magazines but just shop around and see what you can get.

If you really can't afford it, keep tropicals. Only need to treat your tap water for chlorine with a simple additive then and some of the fish are just as interesting in their own way..
RO is essential if you really want to keep your tank at the best it can be, and the stock you keep the happiest. Search for a thread by Lynden, in Reef Chit Chat, (Or better yet Ill find it for you in twosecs). He didnt use RO and it really didnt help his tank. Infact, I think tap water caused its failure.

Here you are:

Oh, and depending on where you are in the world, we should be able to advise you on a suitable,and recomended dealer! :D
Oh, and depending on where you are in the world, we should be able to advise you on a suitable,and recomended dealer! :D

Yup, are you from the US? UK? Australia? Zanzabar? let us know :good:
Ro water all the time.

Commercial marine salt mixes contain all the required levels to nsw so adding this brings the water to the required amount. If it's added to tap water then the levels along with all the other crap will be too high.

Definitely RO for best results, dont rely on your local water authority :sad:

All four of my local fish shops stock RO-MAN so there always chance to get the replacemnet filter cartridges
I was just about to ask the same question :rolleyes:

Anyway to add to the OP if you don't mind.

2) I see RO units with 3,4 and 6 stages. . . Which should I pick?

3) I'm renting a place and don't want to break anything permanently and if I move out I will be taking the RO unit with me :p , hence can I install the unit without having permanently damage anything?
(if the answer to this is, "depends on which system you choose" then can you kindly refer me one?)

4) Now I have never plumbed and the closest I have ever been to plumbing is playing Mario Land . . will I be okay installing it or am I just going to cause a massive leak?

BTW, I'm in London UK and I know for sure I need an RO unit for serious marine keeping ;p
2) IMO it doesnt really matter... The RO membrane does most of the work. The pre and post filters really only serve to prolong the membrane's life or purify the last 2-3ppm out of the water respectively. If you have dirty tapwater locally (or one high in sediment or nitrates), you might want to investigate at least having a 3-stage pre-filter to prolong your membrane's life. IMO a de-ionizer isnt really worth the hassle as the RO membrane allready eliminates all but 2-3ppm of solutes when working properly.

3) is the place you're renting from equipped with a wash basin? If so, setup is a breeze. If not, you may need a water faucet attachment

4) Its really not all that complicated. If you need help on installing one and nobody replies here pretty soon, just PM Chac or matthew5564, they're our resident UK blumbing experts :D

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