Shrimp Help Please!


Fish Fanatic
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Southampton, UK
Hey all, I posted in the other section but ha no luck so posting in here!

I have recently bought a scarlet shrimp/ blood red shrimp. He is going good, but hides all the time at the back of my LR. Would it help if I bouhgt him a friend, however to be honest I would like to get some different shrimps as I understand they have different jobs? I was thinking of getting two cleaner shrimps


If you want your blood shrimp to come out, I'd get two more as blood shrimps are communal. They also do the same thing as skunk cleaner shrimps as far cleaning the tank is concerned. In a closed reef like ours the larger decorative shrimps USUALLY end up doing the same things.

I am keen on getting two skunk cleaners as they will clean parisites of the fish. So if I got two of these would the blood red be ok on his own. Also do I need to get any other shrimps for a sound system, or will these be enough?

Thanks, Michael
Well the parasitic cleaning behavior lasts about as long as it takes for the shrimp to learn that every day or so somebody throws a load of food in the tank that it can eat instead... Then it usually ignores fish and just waits for feedings.
My red shrimp is a hider too. . . he only comes out when he knows I'm feeding or when my hand is in the tank. He give me a shrimp manicure. :lol: picks at my nails. . . etc. They just like to hang out under rocks. If you go to the lfs. . .and they have a shrimp tank there should be a rock and when they lift it, you'll see a bunch hiding under it.

I say normal and just let him be.
Oh cool, cheers for the advice.

So do you think I should get another shrimp/s guys and if so what ones could I get.

Or should I leave my red shrimp in there alone?
Hmm :blink: That doesnt help me Sukie! :lol:

I didnt know weather it is good for my system to get other shrimps, as like I siad in previous post as much as I understand shrimps have different roles in tank? Also wanted to make sure that my shrimp wont fight with others.

skunks and bloods are pretty much identical other than coloring. Same sizes, same jobs, etc. Both are communal and do better in groups of three or more. Since you already have a blood I would get a couple more bloods. If you like the look of the skunk you could try trading the blood back in and getting a group of skunks. I have also heard of people having luck mixing the two and a community forming but I don't have any first hand experience with this being so.
I have quiet a few Cleaner Chrimp in my tank & havent seen them for ages, I wouldnt say that you will see them any more just by increasing the qty's
Hmm :blink: That doesnt help me Sukie! :lol:

:lol: I'm only here to make the choices harder! :p

As for more shrimp, it's really is up to you.

As for my nano, I have a pistol and a blood and they get along fine. But think bout what Chac said - even if you get more doesn't mean you're going to see them :rolleyes:

My comment didn't really help huh? :lol: :lol:

I have a blood shrimp and a cleaner shrimp and have never had a problem with either, cleaner is more visible though. In my first set up I had two pepermint shrimps and they were very reclusive and didnt come out mouch until you fed the tank.

Just my opinion, but if you have the money I would get more shrimps, there always good value and the kids love them almost as much as the fish themselves.


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