Picking Up Live Rock


Fish Crazy
Feb 16, 2006
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hi i am thinking about buying some live rock secondhand. what would be the best way to pick it up? thanks
hi i am thinking about buying some live rock secondhand. what would be the best way to pick it up? thanks


The best way I have found to transport live rock is to either get home brew bins if its fairly local, this allows you to hold a fair bit of water as well (assuming buyer will let you have some :good: ). Failing that a good courier service and polystyrene boxes should suffice on a overnight delivery. However if picking this method please check the overnight temperatures this time of year as the courier service isnt likely to give a castlemain XXXX about its contents desipte requests.

Hope this helps
Bring some buckets of saltwater with you when you go to pick it up. Try and have them moderately heated and you should have very little dieoff :D
ok thanks i own a van so i should be able to use a dustbin. its about an 50 min drive. that should be ok shouldnt it?
nah if they're in saltwater they should be fine. Just keep the vans heater going so that it doesnt get too cold in there :)

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