What Is This Stuff And Should We Remove It?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 14, 2006
Reaction score
Edinburgh, Scotland
Hi guys,

Can you help me out. Tank has been set up for three months now. We hav started to notice alot of growth on the LR as expected but alot of it i cant find on the net and dont know whether its good or not. Ive posted some pics of the stuff that quite frankly is pretty ugly and messy in the tank and i just wanna know if u guys know what it all is and if we should remove it.


Does anyone know what this leafy plant is??


What is this pink mass?? and is the green stick like plant ok?


should we remove these green vine-like plants?



Whilst I dont have an ID, keep them! :nod: They are Macro-Algae, a marine plant. They are great, and good habitat for pods and other small critters. Try and encourage there growth. :good: Looks like you got top grade LR!
Agreed 100%. Some great looking macroalgae species I've never seen there. As long as they dont try taking over the tank, keep em :good:. Over the course of months and years you may have to prune them back a bit, but DEFINITELY keep them. Macros are great for nutrient export :D
Ok cool so these are all a good thing then!! :hyper: we were getting a bit worried as we hadnt seen this sort of stuff in other pics we had seen on the net and thought we had a bit of a problem on our hands!!

Glad to hear we dont :look: we must be doing something right then!! *phew* Will just monitor it all and cut back things if they start to take over, sort of gardening but in ur tank LOL

thanks for the comments, really puts our minds at ease!!
The pink stuff looks worrying to me, I could see that spreading over corals etc. quite easily.

Be careful with macro algaes, they aren't always what they are cracked up to be and can grow out of control over corals and become more of a pain than a blessing. And remember, be very careful with the salt level in your tank, macro algaes are quite sensitive to salinity changes.

Thanks scubadaz that link covered everything i have on my LR. I have heard so many different opinions but im going to cut everything back and see how it goes!

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