Peppermint Shrimp Advice Required


Fish Fanatic
Nov 13, 2005
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Is there anyone out there who could give me a bit of advice on the following.

I have had a marine tank setup for the last 3 months and I purchased two peppermint shrimps as part of my clean up crew for the last 2.5 months. I have just noticed one of them (asumming it the female) is carrying eggs under her tail. Can anyone tell me what to expect in terms of survival rate in captivity. In the tank I have two clowns, a 6-line wrasse and a damsel and a cleaner shrimp. Water parameters are all good.

I do not have a spare tank ,so I cant isolate her but will the eggs survive? is there anything special I need to do.

Many thanks in advance for any replys.
I doubt any will survive if you can't put them into a QT tank. Sorry, but that's cleaner shrimp had eggs and the fish had a feast the day it released.

Add to that the specific diet and care the fry would require it's probably better to leave mother nature to it.

Many thanks for the reply, I will talk your advice onboard and let mother nature take its course.

More than likely it will feast on its own eggs, and if it doesnt eat them all itself, other critters and fish in your tank will certainly do the job for it! To raise them properly you would need a bare tank setup, fully enclosed with no way for the little fry to get sucked into a filter, so probably an air-driven sponge filter, a couple of small pieces of live rock and thats it.


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