Search results

  1. big-george91

    Neons Losing Colour

    could be ntd or they sound large they may be geting old
  2. big-george91

    Neons Losing Colour

    how big are the neons?
  3. big-george91

    1 Of My Tanks

    nice fish might look better with a background of some sort
  4. big-george91

    My Driftwood!

    nice wood great find :good:
  5. big-george91

    My 120g Tanganyikan Tank

    beautiful fish well done :good: keep us posted please
  6. big-george91

    Just Some Pics Of My Oscar

    beautiful fish well done :good: How big is he?
  7. big-george91

    Fish Growth

    it depends on the fish but mainly the fish wont reach their full size but they become deformed due to the lack of space. hope this helps
  8. big-george91

    Could Someone Id

    it looks like a gold nugget pleco
  9. big-george91

    Male Or Female Angel ?

    yeah males normaly have a bump develope on their forhead overtime
  10. big-george91

    Colour Change Discus

    very nice :good:
  11. big-george91

    New 240 Litre Tank

    get harlequin rasboras there hardier than most tetra and are more active
  12. big-george91

    Thanks Everyone

    nice tank :good: good fish choice
  13. big-george91

    My First Planted

    nice tank and fish interesting idea with the mesh cant wait to see what happens good luck :good:
  14. big-george91

    New Tank Yay

    cool tank cant wait to see it up and running what ur thinking for stocking?
  15. big-george91

    More Pics

    really nice gouramis :good:
  16. big-george91

    New Plecs

    really nice fish how big do they get?
  17. big-george91

    3rd Time Lucky

    realy nice looking tank welldone :good: could you post some pics of fish plz
  18. big-george91

    My Fluval Roma 125 & Fish

    really nice fish well done :good:
  19. big-george91

    My 6 New Black Corys (pics)

    nice fish cant wait to see some tank pics
  20. big-george91

    Red Finned Shark

    hi everyone i was just wondering do red finned sharks eat small fish such as neons and rasboras thanks for any help
  21. big-george91

    Red Finned Shark

    Hi everyone i was looking in my lfs and i noticed the red finned shark and i asked the bloke working their if its alright in my tank and he asked if i have any sharks i said yes i have 3 bala sharks and he said they would attack the red finned shark because ur meant to add all the sharks at the...
  22. big-george91

    New Discus Pics

    really nice fish :good:
  23. big-george91

    Plec Id Needed Please

    Pseudacanthicus sp. (L320)
  24. big-george91

    Cory Questions

    hi everyone I want to purchase some corys for my tank and i was wondering what ones are the best to go for and how long do they live for? any help thanks
  25. big-george91

    New 5ft Tank

    Nice tank So whats ur plan for stocking?
  26. big-george91

    My New Tank Any Ideas For A Bit Of Decoration?

    why not try some type of rock structure
  27. big-george91

    Tank Light Keeps On Flickering

    yeah usually it means the light is going
  28. big-george91

    My New Wild Green Severum

    really nice tank whats the stocking
  29. big-george91

    A Picture Of My Community Tank

    whats ur current stocking plz
  30. big-george91

    General Pics, Some Community, Some Malawi

    wow really nice fish well done :good:
  31. big-george91


    hi everyone i need a bit of help i need some info on flukes and how to treat them. Just recently i noticed them on my angelfish and i need some info on how to treat it
  32. big-george91

    My Tank Pictures

    How big is ur tank? It looks really nice well done
  33. big-george91


    help my platy is givving birth now and is eating the fry is there any way of stopping her. she is in a breeder net
  34. big-george91

    What To Put In Tank

    try some killifish they hang near the surface and are really colourful
  35. big-george91

    My 140 Litre Tank

    nice tank welldone :good:
  36. big-george91

    How Big The 2 Tiger Oscars Are Now

    realy nice oscars well done
  37. big-george91

    Cheap Tanks

    ok thanks