My 6 New Black Corys (pics)


Fish Herder
Sep 5, 2007
Reaction score
yorkshire hull
my 6 new aditions have finaly arrived today thxs spooky :hyper:
there not as big as the 3 i allready have there only 1 inch big so after aclimatising them
there in a tank on there own so i can quarintine and grow them on a bit before puting them in with the others :good:





They are lovely, drewry. Congrats. They look very good. They will grow bigger in no time. I look forward to more pics and updates. It should make a nice strong tribe with the 2 strains together. It should strengthen the line you offer.
thxs jollysue :good:

they have settled in really well, iv just give them a few blood worms and a few pellets to see them through the night wich they are getting stuck in to now you say they should grow fast as there in a 2ft x1ftx1ft tank to them selfs for now just to see if i can get some viabal eggs off the others i have first ,

my next aditions over the next month or so are going to be some
(c, orange lasers ) +(c,weitzmani)+(c,Adolfi ) i think depending on what spaire cash i have
Uh Oh! You are addicted! OMTS is running rampant with drewry. LOL Sounds good; you will have a tank on every wall and be stumbling all over buckets and hoses and wet towels all over the house. Then your friends will roll their eyes and say you are strange :D
Congrats they looks great gotta be the best looking corys on the market these black ones i hope i can get myn to breed, i might need to purchase a couple
Uh Oh! You are addicted! OMTS is running rampant with drewry. LOL Sounds good; you will have a tank on every wall and be stumbling all over buckets and hoses and wet towels all over the house. Then your friends will roll their eyes and say you are strange :D

yeah im well addicted now lol :shifty:
hopefully im gunna get a fish house of some sort in the garden
Congrats they looks great gotta be the best looking corys on the market these black ones i hope i can get myn to breed, i might need to purchase a couple

yeah stiffler i must admit aswell they are a nice looking corydora :good:
From the top they look pretty healthy.

Can we get some side shots please?

hi 'Cory_Dad'

ill have a scout about tomorrow to see if i can find a see through container.
as i only have a web cam to take pics at the minite other wise it means me moveing my comp half way cross the room to the tank thats why i only took top shots :good:
hi Thomas 2507

im not sure theres been a bit of a dispute to the name Venezuelan , Schultzei,but mine was sold to me as C.aeneus Black
if your in the uk i got mine from #### £6.49 each and £10 delivery :good:

ahh must not be allowd to put were i got them from just pm spooky thats who i got mine off
Okay, thanks.

I've searched for 'spooky' and it come up with about seven people with the username 'spooky'. Is his username just 'spooky' (because this member has zero posts) or has the username got some numbers after?

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