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  1. Jai

    Fake Plants In Tank?

    I'm not sure if aquarium plants are "special" to be honest. As long as there is no glue i cannot see a problem. Plastic plants are plastic plants wherever you come from.
  2. Jai

    My Tank Setup

    Hi all, This is my first real attept at an aquarim design. It's 100ltr and just finished off this weekend. Left some algae on the glass for the algae eater. Might scrape it off as the pics don't look there best.
  3. Jai

    Quick Help Needed...What Do I Do

    Thanks to all who helped with this. After a while the Gourami settled. So i introduced some of its friends. Now all the fish are back over and everyone seems very happy. They seem to like there new surroundings. I guess i just panicked with the Gourami. Thanks Guys
  4. Jai

    Cloudy After New Sand

    Sand came from local fish shop. BD (or river) sand. It's actually clearing not bad now. I probably havn't washed it enough. Thanks all, from (Half a job bob) as the wife calls me
  5. Jai

    Quick Help Needed...What Do I Do

    All matched, I took the plunge and put 3 more fish into the tank which seems to have perked him up a bit. The other fish seem happy. I assume he was scared but now he has familiar faces he's calmed down.
  6. Jai

    Quick Help Needed...What Do I Do

    Yes. All the same except smaller. Just noticed he goes down the bottom and seems to lie sideways onto the bogwood. Then straightens himself up. just scared to move some of the other fish if there all gonna give up. All levels ok..
  7. Jai

    The Amazing Vanishing Fish

    got a common pleco. 2.5"
  8. Jai

    Quick Help Needed...What Do I Do

    Just moved my gourami back in the original tank after water and gravel and sand change. Put him in first an he instantly sank to the bottom. Seems really stressed. Is this normal. BTW he's been moved twice today. Could this ba a factor.
  9. Jai

    Cloudy After New Sand

    Thanks for all your help
  10. Jai

    The Amazing Vanishing Fish

    Angels are small, quite young, checked substance today when i was moving gravel and adding sand, no jumpers. Must be something eating them but no bones.........................i'm baffled
  11. Jai

    The Amazing Vanishing Fish

    Hello to all, Had 5 neons last week. Now have 1. No floaters and no remnance on the bed of the tank. Same happened to 2 Emperors. Looking at my signature does anyone know if one of my fish is eating them. Thanks
  12. Jai

    is looking at a cloudy tank

    is looking at a cloudy tank
  13. Jai

    Cloudy After New Sand

    Thats great, Thanks for the info. Just out of curiosity, Did i do it right ? With the water and that......
  14. Jai

    Cloudy After New Sand

    Hi All, Firstly i must apologise for my lack of involvement on this site, but to be honest i have had no problems to speak about in the last few months. Today i decided to make some changes to my tank. I have moved my fish into a spare tank for the duration. I will go throught my steps, 1...
  15. Jai

    Ever Have Your Partner Ask You This?

    My Other Half has never offered me a tank but does buy me fish. I'm working upto the big question. So i'm having to be nice. When i say the big question i don't mean Will you marry me more like i'm getting rid of one of the sofas for a new tank. Wish me luck !!
  16. Jai

    What Do You Prefer Tropical Freshwater Or Marine

    Tropical for me everytime. Love my Loaches.
  17. Jai

    Red Gills

    Hi All, Recently added some new wood to the tank. Made all the proper precautions. Boiled, Baked Scrubed the works !! Added to the tank on Saturday and all has been fine until today when i noticed some of my fish have develpoed red gills, Clown Loaches, Serpias, Lemon Tets and Neons have...
  18. Jai

    How To Introduce New Wood Into The Tank

    Thanks for this info guys and gals. Much appreciated. i think i'll take the sensible route and boil - bake - boil - bake scrub - scrub - submerge - scrape - submerge and the into the tank.
  19. Jai

    How To Introduce New Wood Into The Tank

    Hi all, Not been on here for a while...sorry..... I have a question tho i hope someone can help me with. I have had my tank up and running for about 10 months now. No probs and fish seem happy. I was out walking the dog the other day and saw a piece of wood that would look amazing in my tank...
  20. Jai

    Am I Feeding Right ?

    Congrats dnn3 on the wedding. Hope you have a great day.
  21. Jai

    Im Back

    Well Done.
  22. Jai

    What Do You Do...

    I net it out and check for any marks or signs. Then Google the type of fish and look for pics to help me identify what it could be. If i can't find anything i do a water change. If i do find something i do a water change and then buy the appropiate stuff for the water.
  23. Jai

    My Tank Video

    Crackin Tanks Mate. Looks Tops
  24. Jai

    Am I Feeding Right ?

    Must admit tho, It is quite rewarding and satisfying. "at least someone in this house likes me" lol
  25. Jai

    Totally Different Sizes ?

    Hi all, Bought 3 Platies approx 4 months ago. Lost one in first few days. Other 2 seemed great. But recently i have noticed one is atleast 2 times bigger than the other. They were both the same size when put in the tank. i was wondering if either, One was male and one female or One gets to...
  26. Jai

    Paul Newman R.i.p.

    Tragic loss, Talent lost.
  27. Jai

    Am I Feeding Right ?

    Don't really know if this is good or bad. :blink: Everytime i walk past my tank my fish follow me. :hyper: I was just wondering if because it is only me that feeds them they recognise me as the feeder. :shifty: They don't do it to the wife or kids. I really didn't think fish would be...
  28. Jai

    Am I Doing Anything Wrong

    Thnks for the help waterdrop. I did mean should i actually build my tank from scratch, silicone and all. Thanks for the insight into the heater and filter choices. I think i'll do my research a bit more and buy seperate than a kit. Like it. Guarantee !!! never thought of that. :good: Where...
  29. Jai

    Am I Doing Anything Wrong

    Not sure on how to do it properly yet. I'll keep glued to this forum for info on how best to do it and how best to stock it. Gonna be mabe 2 months before the new tank is up and running. But deff getting more otos. I think i will be able to get all the info i need to do this change over...
  30. Jai


    Congrats. :good:
  31. Jai

    Am I Doing Anything Wrong

    The filter i am using is an underwater bio filter. The one where you use the air stone in the tube. I have noticed recently a very small buildup of grime on the bottom. I have now bought a device for cleaning this up. I assume that this is because of the over stocking. Thanks again
  32. Jai

    Am I Doing Anything Wrong

    Thanks for the great welcome. I have taken your advice onboard and i have loads of questions. I'll go looking round the forum to find out where best to put them. Thanks again
  33. Jai

    Am I Doing Anything Wrong

    Algae eater is a "Otocinclus" :good: or "houdini as we call it. You can never find it. Seems to blend in !!
  34. Jai

    Am I Doing Anything Wrong

    How many fish should i have in the tank ? I started with 10 neons but the tank looked kinda bare. I am hoping that using this superb community you have here will help me greatly. I have got quite attached to my fish now but i want to make there life stress free and give them a good life...
  35. Jai

    Am I Doing Anything Wrong

    Set up for 4 months The fish seem really happy and they seem to swim in layers. Platy's toward the top silver tips and Lemon Tetras around the middle and Neons kinda shoal around the bottom. i am going to upgrade to a tank in the next few weeks. not sure on the letreage but it will be 4ft wide...
  36. Jai

    Am I Doing Anything Wrong

    Hello All, Fairly new to having fish but having great fun with it so far. I've been reading some of the posts on here and i am getting a bit worried. I have a tropical tank (40ltr) with mainly tetras inside. 15 Neon Tetras 3 Lemon Tetras 3 Silver Tips 2 Platys 1 Algae Eater I change the...