How To Introduce New Wood Into The Tank


New Member
Sep 23, 2008
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Johnstone, Scotland
Hi all,

Not been on here for a while...sorry..... I have a question tho i hope someone can help me with.

I have had my tank up and running for about 10 months now. No probs and fish seem happy.

I was out walking the dog the other day and saw a piece of wood that would look amazing in my tank but i am not sure what will happen if i put it in the tank.

Will it alter the Ph?

Any help much appreciated.

Ps: Search Youtube for "jai's 100ltr tropical tank 2"
slap it in boiling water with a good scrub =]

shoudn't alter pH =]

i take wood from the garden etc all the time, no problems so far :p touch wood ^^
It will need a good soak and clean, if you want to check if it alters any parameters put it in some tank water and then do a test on the water, that way you will know what to expect when putting it in your tank.
Research what type of wood it is ones with excessive ressins such as evergreens will cause serious problems. Slow growing woods such as beech, oak, willow ect. will be fine with a wire brush scrape off excessive bark. If it fits in the oven (electric oven is best) then put the oven on 140C and leave to bake for 2-3 hours and scrub again of course check it regularly to see if it is starting to burn. Then boil, leave to cool, change the water for about 2 weeks 3 times a day would be good but you can start to slack towards the end. You will need to tie it down with a rock to stop it from floating as it needs to be fully submerged in the boiling water. Use a kettle and a bucket if its a large piece.
On top of what Saltynay has said I find it good to leave the wood soaking in some old tank water for around a week or two (untill it stops bobbing lol)
Thanks for this info guys and gals.

Much appreciated.

i think i'll take the sensible route and boil - bake - boil - bake scrub - scrub - submerge - scrape - submerge and the into the tank.
Thanks for this info guys and gals.

Much appreciated.

i think i'll take the sensible route and boil - bake - boil - bake scrub - scrub - submerge - scrape - submerge and the into the tank.

Sounds about right - boiled my Boggy for avor a week and it doesn't alter the water a bit now.


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