Ever Have Your Partner Ask You This?


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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So my husband turns to me as I'm doing a water change and says " So do you want another fish tank?" I look at him like are you mad. Then I say what is it that you want.

He wants another surfboard he knows if I get another tank he could get another board. Pretty funny I thought. Has your other have ever try this one on you?
My hubby buys me new tanks when he is after something. I have 11 tanks now, only 7 running though lol
My OH has been such a wonderful chappy...he bought me a tank as a surprise a few months ago! When I was at the counter paying for my purchases at my LFS he just produced a box from behind the counter with a new Fluval Edge inside!

He runs me up to my LFS all the time and has bought me tanks as birthday presents too. He encourages me with my hobby all the time - I know why that is though...he gets to sit on his PS3 for aaaages while I am looking after all my miriad of tanks :lol: Works rather well I think :D
My partner doesnt really take much notice if i want another tank, however if she does want somethink i often get "do you want to go out and get some more plecs", how could i refuse that? lol
But we do them such a great service - THEY NEVER EVER have to think about what to get us for our birthday/christmas!

We make their lives sooooo simple.

Oh, my! Aren't you all very lucky!!!!
My now ex was such a misery! He knew my hobby was my fish but always struggled for birthday and christmas present ideas. Not once did he get me anything fish-related in all the years together.

Although, this newly found single world aint too bad - no consideration needed should I wish to get ANOTHER tank!
My Other Half has never offered me a tank but does buy me fish.

I'm working upto the big question. So i'm having to be nice.

When i say the big question i don't mean Will you marry me more like i'm getting rid of one of the sofas for a new tank.

Wish me luck !!

I've been at that stage and offered up a gaming chair and bean bags as replacements as they'll take up less room :lol:
HA HA HA Gosh we are all crazy. I too want a couch out of the house to make more room for maybe a tank. We will see how bad he wants another surfboard.
My fiance doesn't take much notice when I want another tank. I only have the one right now. If I suggest getting another he says no!
My wife is forcing me to scale down my breeding. This leaves me with only 2 tanks running out of my 9. I don't know what to do on waterchange days though.

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