Quick Help Needed...What Do I Do


New Member
Sep 23, 2008
Reaction score
Johnstone, Scotland
Just moved my gourami back in the original tank after water and gravel and sand change.

Put him in first an he instantly sank to the bottom. Seems really stressed. Is this normal.

BTW he's been moved twice today. Could this ba a factor.
Give him a couple of minutes to settle in then see again. The tank he was in for a short time, did it have a heater and filter?
Give him a couple of minutes to settle in then see again. The tank he was in for a short time, did it have a heater and filter?

Yes. All the same except smaller.

Just noticed he goes down the bottom and seems to lie sideways onto the bogwood. Then straightens himself up.

just scared to move some of the other fish if there all gonna give up. All levels ok..
Did you match ph and temp.
All matched,

I took the plunge and put 3 more fish into the tank which seems to have perked him up a bit. The other fish seem happy. I assume he was scared but now he has familiar faces he's calmed down.
Just keep a close eye on him.

How many gallons is the tank and do you have present water stats.

What was wrong with the fish in the first place.
Thanks to all who helped with this. After a while the Gourami settled. So i introduced some of its friends.

Now all the fish are back over and everyone seems very happy. They seem to like there new surroundings.

I guess i just panicked with the Gourami.

Thanks Guys

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