

Fish Crazy
Jul 15, 2008
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My guppy had fry last night!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: . i was only able to save six though. this is my first batch and need to know the basics.
how often to feed
plant in breeder?
is this a typical number for a guppy to have?
im so excited! i would post pics but you can't see them in the picture.

how often to feed

I usually feed mine 4-5 times a day,

plant in breeder?

I place a piece of live plant in with my fry, it makes them feel more secure ( I think :lol:) and gives them something to nibble at between meals.

is this a typical number for a guppy to have?

If it is her first pregnancy, then six is not all that uncommon.
wow congrats i am happy for you! i usually leave first borns in breeder so they learn to come to the top and eat the foods. after 2-3 weeks i transfer them to the 10gal :)

:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
Thanks guys. i have had hikari first bites floating at the top but they don't seem to go up and eat. is it because they are just born and not hungry? also, can i just put a plastic plant in there? (can't get)
a plastic plant will be fine, if new born they should still have there yolk sac so will feed off that for now

is it because they are just born and not hungry?

Yes, most likely they are still feeding off of their yolk sac.

can i just put a plastic plant in there?

Sure, the plant (live or fake) isn't really all that necessary
ok ill stick a plant in there. they started eating the first bites food. by the way, can i do a 25% water change and vacumm gravel with them in there or should i wait til they are older, not newborn?
can i do a 25% water change and vacumm gravel with them in there or should i wait til they are older, not newborn?

Sure, go ahead and vacuum. Just make sure you siphon into a bucket and check for stowaways before you throw the water out.
ok. i think my other guppy is about to pop! so i may have some more later. ill vacumm this weekend.
theres these two fry that are fighting each other or mating, can't tell. they do whatever they are doing for a bit then go away and an hour or so later, they do it again. what are they doing?
OMG!!!! i just found another in the tank!! it was half stuck in teh gravel. i can't beleive i found it! he;s real tiny though. i don't know how he made it , but he did. tough little bugger :flex: . anyway, can i add salt to my tank, my tank is due but im afraid it might affect the fry. any thoughts?
Why are you adding salt to the tank?
i had had water troubles and have had no salt in the tank so they want me to put salt in ther every two weeks (1 tbs).
oh by the way, i just found two more! now i have eight. i was hoping to make it an even ten so i may find some more while vacumming.

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