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  1. M

    New Babies

    if its the fish first time giving birth then its not unusual for them to eat there fry my oscars was still eating there fry after the third time lol.
  2. M


    stop droping potions in and monitor the situation for a while panic kills fish
  3. M

    Aqua One H200 Filter Not Flowing Anymore

    bacteria wont die unless its dried out btw
  4. M

    My Friends Tank Setup, 75 Litre

    lol is all i can say LOL
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    Blister On The Eye

    hi peeps got a slight glitch and i need your help. ok my dads jaguar Cichlid has what seems to be a blister on its pupil under the Lense at first we thought it was cloudy eye but new i can clearly see its a blister in the eye not on the outer eye but actually under it on the pupil. has anyone...
  6. M

    Sap Teeth

    the puffer is in a 30gallon all alone all paramaters are 0 i think 0.25 nitrate there are a few snails in the tank incuding a few baby apple snails tiny ones hes just not interested in them....... not to disagree but i think alot of ppl have probems with puffers eating shelled foods especially...
  7. M

    Bog Wood

    its strange really cos iv used bog wood so many other times much bigger ones wch havent leeched anything......................strange
  8. M

    Bog Wood

    yes i wish i could go back in time lol :shifty: iv taken it out and put it in a bucket for now going to do a 30% water change tommorrow see if i can get it down and my filter already has 2 carbon bags in.
  9. M

    Sap Teeth

    i have a south american puffer about 2" i know they have fast growing teeth but i cant get him to eat snails or krill as to keep them trimed so what do i do :crazy: i mean how will i know when they get to big and it must be hard to triml teeth on a 3" fish iv trimed teeth on a ceylon but never...
  10. M

    Bog Wood

    hi only mee. ok i got a problem i got some new bog wood 3 days ago for my oscar tank and its made my tank water go brown(tea) colour i want to know how to clear this as the filter isnt doing it so do i need to make water changes as normal is it harmful to the fish? any advice welcome. thankyou.
  11. M

    Plec Info

    it sure does look like that although the clolour was much brighter and bolder
  12. M

    Plec Info

    i was at my lfs today and i noticed in there oscar tank they had a very nice plec about 4" listed as a big spotted plec they are asking £30 i really was tempted to buy it there and then but decided against it as the lfs couldnt offer infomation on it, just wondering does anyone have any info...
  13. M

    Oscar And Puffers

    dont know what they are but once at wharf they had there mbu in the L shaped tank with loads of fish i dont think they was oscars though lol
  14. M


    at the end of the day we will always disagree but you are right i just know alot of oscar breeders that havent been out and spent 1500 on a huge 6x2x2 just for the sake of keeping 2 oscars. so its not really me being a arseole here its what iv seen even on the oscar website 100s of breeders use...
  15. M


    a rio 300 is 79gallons isnt it and he had one called ronan not 10 :unsure:
  16. M


    lol but you cant prove that one cant live in a 52 gallon. :blink: but i do see your point its just some of you think you was born and raised by tropical fish lol. and my old man has kept oscars in a rio 300 for years all fine and well never had a problem.
  17. M


    lol you lot dont like ppl challenging things do you.
  18. M


    75 gallons for one oscar is OTT and i see no reason he cant keep one in a 52 gallon :blink:
  19. M

    Oscar Tank Mates

    i think now days people really do go a little OTT when it comes to tank sizes i mean my local lfs swears to me he has 2 oscars in a 4ft tank for years. i see it this way who said a certain tank was the right size the fish, the fish its self? nope. lol. no tank is ever big enough if you look...
  20. M

    Oscar Query

    i wouldnt say you need a 75gallon tank for one oscar in my opinion my dad kept a breeding pair in a 4ft tank but it did have a decent width,
  21. M

    A Fun Topic!

    has to be the one and only MBU puffer fish
  22. M

    New Tank

    yes on the website where i brought it it says 180ltrs its a duo 1000extra but on the box it says its 200ltr :blink:
  23. M

    New Tank

    yes its a duo deep 1000 EXTRA built with thicker glass and an extra 3 inch width the new one....... its aprox 200 ltr 44uk gallon lol its on the side of the box the picture is miss leading its much bigger when your stood looking at it by artificial floor i mean im on the second floor so its...
  24. M

    New Tank

    i know it is so exiting......... im thinking either a oddball tank and have some south american puffers or a cichlid tank, im still worried about the weight on the artificial floor but i think im going to get a builder to take a quick look the person at the lfs and a online structual person has...
  25. M

    New Tank

    a little reluctant to fill her up as im in a flat on the first floor but i dont think a 45 gallon tank can go through a floor that easy. it came today im really chuffed cant wait to get it cycled and add few saps. thanks for looking
  26. M

    South American Picture

    does anyone have a picture of a fully grown south american puffer i know it says they can grow to 5" in aquarium but iv never seen one over 1.5" max. love to see one full size. thanx.
  27. M

    Mbu Help

    thanx for the reply its a huge ambition of mine to one day own a mbu id love to have solid floors to house a tank that size, maybe one day. thanx again. matt.
  28. M

    Mbu Help

    can someone please tell me how big would your tank need to be to house a fully grown mbu?
  29. M

    4ft Tank Ideas

    iv seen ppl keep fully grown sevs in a 40g lol if you go by the book all the time 90% of fish keepers would be shot for what they did, i mean what would you say for a sev 90g......... i say NO WAY iv seen sevs very happy living in a 40g as long as it has decent width your fine.
  30. M

    New Tank

    yes its wharf :good: iv got south american already lol i got 3 a few weeks ago for my second tank and the biggest one killed the other 2 over night :crazy:
  31. M

    New Tank

    heres the list my lfs has ti offer Puffers Carinotetraodon irrubesco (Red-tailed Redeye puffer) Carinotetraodon salivator (Striped Redeye puffer) Very rare! Carinotetraodon travancoricus (Dwarf/Pygmy/Indian puffer) Colomesus asellus (South American puffer) Tetraodon fluviatilis (Green/Topaz...
  32. M

    New Tank

    you mean the pig nose but dont you think a 4" fish would look out of place alone in a 50uk gallon tank?
  33. M

    New Tank

    hi iv been keeping puffers on and off for 4 years now but im stuck and i cant make my mind up. iv recently moved into a flat and have got a new 50 gallon tank which puffer would you recommend im thinking humpback or redeye? id love some opinions. thanx. matt
  34. M

    Advice Needed

    yes thats what i thought thankyou verymuch for the reply guess im going to forget it for the time being it would cost more to get someone out than it would for the tank lol. thankyou again
  35. M

    Advice Needed

    anyone please?
  36. M

    Advice Needed

    hi i have a akward problem hope someone can help me out. iv recently moved from my house which had solid flooring into a second floor flat and i want to brig my 4x2x2 with me but its not a newly built flat so it has wooden boards. the floor hasnt had a weight test so i would like to know how...
  37. M

    My New Puffer

    i was told by wharf not to put sand in :/ . i wanted to maybee if i put sand in my rio 400 when i get it in a few weeks what do you think? well i tell you a little about him. apperantly he was brought in by a person who couldnt keep him anymore he had been in a 36" tank and he was well...
  38. M

    My New Puffer

    well i got him monday from wharf aquatics and it cost me almost a weeks wages. hes settled in and he begs for food every time i walk in the room lol. i had to hagle the price for ages with wharf to get him to come down from the price too :P
  39. M

    My New Puffer

    yes he will need a 120uk gal which he will get in due time (rio 400) but at the moment hes in a 90gallon (custom made) and to be honest hes not even scraping the sides. hes about 13" and from what iv seen they seldom go over 10/15" in tanks upto 18" in the wild lol
  40. M

    My New Puffer

    no i got a fahaka the nile puffer :nod: *** VERY VERY LONG LOAD BIG PICTURES****