4ft Tank Ideas

Just don't get the dyed fish....by purchasing them you are supporting that stuff....and died fish don't live long healthy lives...chances are you will not get your money's worth as, at best, the dye will fade away anyway.

I saw this video on youtube and thought of you....pretty neat tank....


This tank is a 125 gallon though....hence the oscars.
iv seen ppl keep fully grown sevs in a 40g lol if you go by the book all the time 90% of fish keepers would be shot for what they did, i mean what would you say for a sev 90g......... i say NO WAY iv seen sevs very happy living in a 40g as long as it has decent width your fine.
I'd hate to see a 10-12" sev in a 40g. Just because you've seen it done, doesn't mean it's humane. I've seen people kick the hell out of their dogs, doesn't mean I'll do it too ;)

No doubt the fish were smaller because they were stunted?

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