My New Puffer


New Member
May 9, 2004
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my new puffer :p



my new puffer :p



how'd you try putting the image in? you need to load it up to a picture hosting service; most of those provide the correct img tag already, so its just copy and paste. (i use photobucket for this stuff)

so what'd you get, another dp?
how'd you try putting the image in? you need to load it up to a picture hosting service; most of those provide the correct img tag already, so its just copy and paste. (i use photobucket for this stuff)

so what'd you get, another dp?

no i got a fahaka the nile puffer :nod: *** VERY VERY LONG LOAD BIG PICTURES****



He's absolutely gorgeous and actually seems to have quite a nice size already! How big is he/she now?
And you are aware of the tank size and all they need, right? =/ ... Sorry for asking that, it's just that many people aren't aware
He's absolutely gorgeous and actually seems to have quite a nice size already! How big is he/she now?
And you are aware of the tank size and all they need, right? =/ ... Sorry for asking that, it's just that many people aren't aware

yes he will need a 120uk gal which he will get in due time (rio 400) but at the moment hes in a 90gallon (custom made) and to be honest hes not even scraping the sides.

hes about 13" and from what iv seen they seldom go over 10/15" in tanks upto 18" in the wild lol
Glad to hear you know your stuff :D
He's an absolutely beauty, and you must have been lucky to find one at that size! Usually when you see them for sale it's youngsters ... bet ya he didn't come cheap :p

Hope he'll give you tons of character, though I'm sure he will :)
Glad to hear you know your stuff :D
He's an absolutely beauty, and you must have been lucky to find one at that size! Usually when you see them for sale it's youngsters ... bet ya he didn't come cheap :p

Hope he'll give you tons of character, though I'm sure he will :)

well i got him monday from wharf aquatics and it cost me almost a weeks wages. hes settled in and he begs for food every time i walk in the room lol.

i had to hagle the price for ages with wharf to get him to come down from the price too :p
He is a beauty, congrats. I had no idea you could negotiate prices at pet stores. :thumbs:
total drool!!!

great markings on him; can't wait to see how he colors up! :hey: ;)

it's really awesome to see someone who knows what they're getting into with these larger puffers. nothing makes me sadder than when someone tries to cram one of these beauties into a "huge 55 gallon tank".
I think I will have seen this exact fish at Wharf on the day you bought him. There was only 1 fahaka I saw out front and he was playing "follow the finger" and I think it was this guy. He was amazing, you're really lucky to have him!

I'm glad you've got your research down too, no research + specialist fish = disaster usually.

Great fish!
Great looking fish.

One thing I might suggest is a change of substrate, since it seems that even larger fahakas like to burrow every once in a while:


I hope Sir doesn;t mind me dragging up the picture of Martha.

To me, sand substrate in a huge tank is a PITA--to stir every bit of it weekly.
malaysian trumpet snails? (or are they from madagasgar? i keep getting it backwards.) doesn't seem like they'd chip any teeth on a 13" fahaka!
i was told by wharf not to put sand in :/ .

i wanted to maybee if i put sand in my rio 400 when i get it in a few weeks what do you think?

well i tell you a little about him.

apperantly he was brought in by a person who couldnt keep him anymore he had been in a 36" tank and he was well over 10" and his tail had started going bent.

so i got him and now hes doing great he dont play chase the finger but he does go mad when ever you go towards his tank. hes great at begging.

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