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  1. C

    Cal's High Tech Planted 20 Long

    I payed 180 for it, no tax. Well apperently I was told 15 minutes ago I cant have a co2 tank in my room, so what I am going to do now?! Can I use this instead, here. I guess Ill have to setup that instead. :/
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    Cal's High Tech Planted 20 Long

    Tank Specs Tank Size: 20 Long U.S Gallons Filter: Emperor 400 Lighting: Coralife Aqualight 2x65 watts Co2: currently none Subtrate: White Sand Current Stock 1xHemichromis Lifalili Red Jewel Cichlid 7xOtocinclus Affinis Oto *Pics to be added later* Today I bought Searchem Flourish...
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    Answer Asap

    No one? Im leaving soon :(
  4. C

    How Many Gallons Is This

    In thats small of a tank? A betta or an adf.
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    Answer Asap

    Can I keep otos in my tank with a jewel? My tank is in my sig. I would get a pleco, but otos look so much cooler IMO.
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    What Should I Buy?

    I want otos, but I have a jewel cichlid will they survive? I actually do have on my old light which is just a standard 20 watt, I have for the past week. Well Im going to a couple lfs, and a welding shop today, and if it isnt open tommarow. I plan to get my pressurized co2, and some ferts, a ton...
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    What Should I Buy?

    Yes it is, I seen it and instead of impulsing buying of a fish, I did it with a corallife aqualight. What I have in mind is in my sig, Im getting pressurized co2 put in in the upcoming week.
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    Help Id Fish

    It is for sure a cichlid, and the only possible choices are going to be mean ones. When I seen it I tought jewel cichlid, I could be wrong.
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    What Should I Buy?

    Im not really sure who is buying it right now, most likly me. So I should buy them all?
  10. C

    Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine

    I bought this issue about a week ago, I only buy them sometimes. Ill have to look at it, Ive read that article a couple times, his tanks look amazing, and I want ideas! It has in it 2 tanks, with all the specs, and tank shots, and an article on co2 and lighting.
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    What Should I Buy?

    You would think so, lol, but its the sad truth its not the case. They dont know much about the internet, and think its unsafe, and dont trust it, Ive tried other sites they just so against it.
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    Who Works In A Pet Store?

    I was really close to becoming an employee, but my job is so easy and pay well for my age I just decided not to, looks like to much work sometimes, plus you can get some rude suttborn people sometimes I wouldnt care for.
  13. C

    What Should I Buy?

    Ive printied out that article, and have read it a couple times, but to tell you the truth my parents want my ordering from a site that they can trust and dr smiths and fosters, and big als are it besides actually going to the lfs.
  14. C

    What Should I Buy?

    Im going to be ordering off, and Im wondering on what nutirents I should buy? Here is a list, they are all searchem products -Flourish -Flourish Excel -Flourish Iron -Flourish Trace -Flourish Nitrogen -Flourish Potassium -Flourish Phosphorous
  15. C

    Fish In My 90 Gallon

    Nice choice with the clowns, my favorite fish, they all look good, expect the clowns look better. :D
  16. C

    Plant List

    I already have 2 amazons, and 7-8 Java Ferns, a water sprite, and 2 other plants, I forget the name.
  17. C

    Show Me Your Car!

    Ok skyline and mustang are in the sports class, but as far as price, a skyline is much more expensive. A maita (however you spell it) to the mustang? Besides my family isnt really indanger with losing there jobs, its really people in my neighbor hood that are effected. Big 3 do make cars well...
  18. C

    How Can I Breed Snails

    It really depends on the type of snail, pond snails breed out of control, I had one, and a couple weeks later I had 60-70, maybe even more.
  19. C

    Plant List

    After this weekend, or next couple weeks my tank will have nutrients, and pressurized co2. I plan to buy my plants from live aquaria, and this is what I had in mind, 7-8 Micro Swords 1 Amazon Sword 5 Wisterias I want to carpet my tank, do you think thats enough micro sowrds to do the job or...
  20. C

    Show Me Your Car!

    I should of kept up with this forum, but I hate asain cars. American cars are better built, plus there domestic. How can you justify living in the United States, and then buying a foriegn car? My dad works for the one of the big 3, so does most of my family. Have you watched the news? There...
  21. C

    Upgrading Co2

    I get it, plus no more algae, Ill pick some up this weekend. I also decided to go pressurized, sounds like the better choice.
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    Upgrading Co2

    Yes I have, Im planing on getting a bristlenose pleco, or some other pleco and some plants to fight the algae war, but I dint know nutrients would help, Ill have to run to the lfs and find something, but why nitrates?
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    Upgrading Co2

    No actaully its an 30 inch corallife aqualight, double strip, and it uses compact fluorescent lbulbs. I'll read the articles, but Im torn on which method of co2 to get.
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    I know, I kinda wanted everthing I had though, the date I actaully joined, make myself seem older and wiser on the forum.
  25. C

    Upgrading Co2

    I already have a decent number of plants already in the tank, I just plan to double it and carpet the floor. I have 6.5 watts per gallon, 10000k 65 watt, and a 6700k 65 watt. Looking at it the co2 tank will run about 50, the regulator another 100, what else do I need? I have fish tubing, like 10...
  26. C

    Upgrading Co2

    Canadian dollars? I didnt know that, that makes a difference, and a change of mind. Ill call around and check out how much things are. As for the red sea unit, the refill is only 4.20 on big als, I picked it because it has the ability to be shut off, and put on a timer. Ill will be buying a ton...
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    Jimbooo's Jungle Journal (rekord 60 - 12g)

    Nice tank, infact all your tanks like great, where do you get ricca at? I was reading your pinned thread and I want some now.
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    Wait you can!? My old name had over 1200 posts!
  29. C

    Starting A New Aquarium

    Huh well I run the co2 during the day, well im goign to once I upgrade my system, and the air pump at night, should I not? My air pump isnt on right now anyways, the co2 system isnt ethier, not until next week.
  30. C

    Upgrading Co2

    That is a lot of money, I think Im going to get the red sea co2 bio-generator, think it will good or no?
  31. C

    Upgrading Co2

    Thanks for the replys, how long does the co2 tank last?
  32. C

    Tank Is Finished :d

    Tanks are never done, I thought I was done, Ive changed my tank so much since then, it will never stop until Im out of moeny and ideas.
  33. C

    Ethos' Nano Diary

    I didnt read it but to stick it to you I did! Well as far as the nano cubes go, if you want fish the 12 gallon, the 6 can really only hold inverts, but Im going under the rule I was taught no sw fish under 10 gallons. I do like the look of the nanos, and for the money it isnt bad to have the...
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    Dwarf_dude's Nano Reef - 8 Days In

    It will be my next to, probaly my next tank if I cant get a something like a 100 gallon. Nice tank btw, and I really like both percula and false percula clowns, nice choice.
  35. C

    Weight Of Tank.

    Put it on a wall that is also the exterior wall, this is where the most support is. Hope it works out, and as for yvez example, my entertainment center weighs over 500lbs, and isnt on a wall that is the exteroir wall, and it has been there for 11 years and still standing.
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    My friend owns 4 red bellies, and once over a certian size, the feeders were too small and they wouldnt eat them anymore, he had to get a another tank and to grow up goldfish to feed them, which in the end he started to breed them and saved some money with it. But as stated it is true after a...
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    Starting A New Aquarium

    I did fish cycle, and you have to add conditioner, and do water chnages, but I would read more into which ever you chose in the forum. As for the air pump, why not oxygen doesnt hurt, only will help, I have to have with my planted aquarium.
  38. C

    Anybody Own A Rare Fish, Or Would Like To Own One And Why?

    I use to own something rare to my area, cuckatoos, an orange flash male and 2 triple red females.
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    Upgrading Co2

    If you could it would be a lot of help thanks.
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    Fish Game #11

    a pleco?