Upgrading Co2

Thanks for all the info! I'll be doing some researching into this, and let the idea swim around in my head a bit, just to make sure I really want to get one. My tank is just a 33G and I'm not sure when I'll be upgrading,so I'm not sure if it's worth it. Cost has always been a factor in my decision not to go pressurized, now after some reading around, and realizing what is necessary, I feel I can really save some money buying off ebay. Thanks once again! :D
Canadian dollars? I didnt know that, that makes a difference, and a change of mind. Ill call around and check out how much things are. As for the red sea unit, the refill is only 4.20 on big als, I picked it because it has the ability to be shut off, and put on a timer. Ill will be buying a ton of plants from live aquaria in a couple weeks, I want to have the co2 in before I even order them. Also besides co2 should I be adding anything else? Such as iron, etc...
I wouldnt add the co2 before you put the plants in, or you will get tons of algea. I would wait on that until all the plants are in and ready to go.

How much light do you have on the tank? what WPG?
I already have a decent number of plants already in the tank, I just plan to double it and carpet the floor. I have 6.5 watts per gallon, 10000k 65 watt, and a 6700k 65 watt. Looking at it the co2 tank will run about 50, the regulator another 100, what else do I need? I have fish tubing, like 10 feet, and 10 feet cut up, so that will be fine.
You have 130 watts on a 20 gallon tank?? holey smokes!

With that light and co2 you will have to dose Nitrates (no3) and Phosphates(po4). Have a look at these two articles. They will help you out for that. I'm still working on the EI (Estimative Index) for dosing no3 and po4. CO2 article and EI article If you have that much light and co2 without adding the nutrients you will have sooo much algea happening in there.
You'll need special CO2 tubing, you shouldn't use normal airline tubing.\

Oh yea, and how did you fit so much light under your hood? DIY I'm assuming?
I havent been able to find any co2 tubing that fits on standard aquarium fixtures. its all half inch, and we need 1/4. I havent looked at JBL's website. They have specialty co2 equipment, but it's rediculously expensive.
I'll probably use the CO2 tubing from my Nutrafin kit, if there's enough leftover that is...
That's not co2 tubing... its just the normal airline tube. Co2 stuff is more stiff. Most ones tha tI have seen (from people here) is a bright green colour.
No actaully its an 30 inch corallife aqualight, double strip, and it uses compact fluorescent lbulbs. I'll read the articles, but Im torn on which method of co2 to get.
Ah, I see. :X

Learnt something new today.

The only bright green tubing I've seen is the ones used in Ehiems! :p
I think either way, with that much light, you have to add the nutrients. Most people say that anything over 2 wpg needs nutrients. Have you had any algae problems recently?

I'm going to direct a few of the experts over here to get a few more opinions.
Yes I have, Im planing on getting a bristlenose pleco, or some other pleco and some plants to fight the algae war, but I dint know nutrients would help, Ill have to run to the lfs and find something, but why nitrates?
nitrates are basically fertalizer. Fish waste turns into it eventually, and your plants suck it up, helping them grow.

I'll try to make a very long story short.

In a heavily planted tank there are 3 parts needed. Light, co2 and nutrients. Just to have numbers to refer too, lets give all 3 parts a value of 10. The number means nothing at this point... we will just call it the ideal level. When you have all 3 parts equal, you will have strong and healthy growth of plants.

So if you have your light at 10, co2 at 10 and your nutrients at 10, the plants can use up everything.

If you have Lights and CO2 at 10, and your nutrients at 5, then your plants will only suck up 5 of the light and 5 of the co2 as well. With out the 3rd part, they have no use for the extra light and co2. Those extra bits of light and co2 then trigger algea growth. If anyone of the 3 parts isnt at the ideal, the plants stop growing. When you pull that third part to 10 again, the algea will slowly fade. This also happens if any of the 3 parts are too high.

Does that make sence?
I get it, plus no more algae, Ill pick some up this weekend. I also decided to go pressurized, sounds like the better choice.

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