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  1. T

    It's funny

    Thats good that it started again but I wouldn't trust it! just think what would happen if during the night it broke down and if it's winter like it is here you would wake up and find a fish tank popsicle. I'd buy a new one just to be on the safe side.
  2. T

    building my own

    I have given it a bit of thought but its going to be a giant jigsaw that has to be put together in the right order and how would I hold it together when i have applied the mastic? I will have to rig something up! any advice would be good. :cool:
  3. T

    Green Terrors Lip Wrestling

    And the Oscar for best lip lock goes too................ Fantastic No doubt they are already making the sequel and the Directors cut :cool:
  4. T

    Green Severums in a 70 gallon?

    I have four in a 75 gallon but I think thats on the border because when they pair off and spawn the male will chase the other pair relentlessly <---- not sure of spelling
  5. T

    Why no babies?

    Really ? you can have Lesbian fish?
  6. T

    Why no babies?

    3 times now my Severums have spawned and have diligently watched over the eggs and fanned them with thier fins picked out any that were going bad but its always the same result! Nada! dily squat! nothing! why would that be? :dunno:
  7. T

    building my own

    I am going to build my own tank over the next couple of weeks 5ft x 2ft x 18" I know a bloke in the glass trade and he's cutting me the glass and filing the edges for me @ a cost of £60 thats brilliant and i'm really looking forward to doing it . when it's complete i'll take some pictures and...
  8. T

    New Filter!! wohooo!

    What Eheim did you get nitro I'm getting an Eheim 2028 on friday its coming fully loaded with media and its £140 i hope thats a good price. :thumbs:
  9. T

    Dyed and shocked

    I stumped up the courage to tell the manager of a lfs in the midlands area of the uk I told him that I am a member of an aquatics forum that would send a message all over the country in a matter of minutes and there would be a boycott of his shop! he said "I've been thinking of stopping ok I...
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    Things I noticed

    Did you tell the Lfs owner they were like that. Sounds like a bit of a dodgy shop if he has more than one tank with fish doing that.
  11. T


    Sorry, Dannyboy17I have had a really crap day and was feeling a bit stroppy. please accept my appologies. :*)
  12. T


    As I said missing the point! :dunno: :dunno:
  13. T

    Should I use magnets?

    I went and bought a floating magnet and WOW what a difference its made. and not like the old days when you pulled it too quickly it fell off and always ended about half way to the back of your tank. The secret is not to let the glass get too dirty, before you give it a scrub with them Thanks :cool:
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    Me thinks your missing the point slightly? Who's bothered about the price of fish when 200,000 people have died! :dunno:
  15. T

    What a stupid thing to do!

    So there I was looking at the LED thermostat and it was saying 24.7 I thought thats a bit low I wonder if the heater is ok? so I grab the top of the heater and start turning the orange knob thingy I turned it one way and the light didn't come on so I turned it the other way and just as I turn it...
  16. T

    Expectant father

    My Severums have spawned again :cool: and they have been tending them for about 3 days now, how long do you reckon before I have to start buying you lot cigars? :rofl: if you all keep still i'll do a head count :dunno:
  17. T


    Lovely little fishes there Where about in Redditch are you? :cool:
  18. T

    Flushing / Binning Dead Fish

    I'm from Bethnal Green in East London and we have a slighty more local saying we "Bog Em" even though they are dead I always wonder if they come back up swimming sad really, poor little sods. :byebye:
  19. T

    i Hate LFS workers

    Does that mean I can't keep my Nemo fish in a tea cup any more? LOL :rofl:
  20. T

    Dead before morning!?

    Thanks people! fingers crossed !
  21. T

    Dead before morning!?

    If I turned the lights out would they settle for the night? or would the aggresive one be able to sneak up more easily?
  22. T


    I have severums and they will eat you out of house and home but they are an incredible fish. so when they eat my plant I buy some more they are not too keen on elodea. they are really worth it! :thumbs:
  23. T

    Dead before morning!?

    I have a breeding pair of Severums in my 75gallon tank but I also have another pair of a similar size who are are just getting the crap! kicked out of them. I hope they do but i'm not sure if they will survive the night, because then I can take them to a shop to sell is there anything I can do...
  24. T

    Some people just don't listen.

    The worst thing of course about this is the fact that the stores sell these hidious thing to the public!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry: its unbelievable :dunno:
  25. T

    Shirley Aquatics

    And talking of not being customer friendly, mind the steps they are about 3ft deep when coming from the lower car park!
  26. T

    What kind of fish are they?? --More Pix Added--

    The fish that you have pictured are "Botia lohachata" The Botia that are pictured in the link from lucky62 are the more common "Dario"
  27. T

    i Hate LFS workers

    Well thats amazing! When the severum got to about 4" you would start to find other fish gone from your tank but they are very slow growers so that would not have been for a while. <----- my babies are 4/5" long now
  28. T

    Shirley Aquatics

    Yeah that bloke your on about I think he's done some TV work, or something like that. and was it the bluest building you have ever seen?
  29. T

    are black widow tetras and platys expensive?

    very cheap and when youv'e had them a short while that platy's will give you even cheaper ones. :cool:
  30. T

    Should I use magnets?

    I have a light covering of algae thats appeared on the front of my tank i have an 8" pleco but he's about as good as a choclate tea pot when it comes to eating algae, so do I buy a magnet thing or should i just go buy some green scourer and get in there? is there a way that is best in this regard?
  31. T

    How fast does you water evaporate?

    It's got to be about an inch a month although I have a purpose built marine tank and I keep tropicals there is such a big gap the was made for the filter it just evaporates out the back of my tank and it ruins my wallpaper!
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    Aquarium software

    How do you mean software for aquariums? to do what exactly?
  33. T

    I love my Fish

    The best thing about having Severum's is that while you watch them they watch you:)
  34. T

    eheim 2329

    Iv'e changed my mind and I have bought a 2028 pro 11 with all the media for £140. thanks people :thumbs:
  35. T

    60/80 malawi in one tank

    I have just seen a tank with at least 60 / 80 malawi's if not possibly more in a 5ft x 2ft x 20 being filtered by a Eheim 2222 is this a good thing won't they fight?
  36. T

    External filter

    Hi Tom Tom, it would all depend on how many fish you have and what size they are, if you have a tank with 20 small fish and you not over feeding them then water changes will be all you need for ages. if you have 10 large fish that you are feeding a lot then they will be producing a lot. but you...
  37. T

    I love my Fish

    "Hey, I watch mine with binoculars from the couch so I'm not gonna say anything!" Yeah :*) well ok, that was just a bit too much information, They are your fish your looking at. :rofl: Your not looking through someones windows or anything? :no: because there are laws you know that prevent...
  38. T

    Shirley Aquatics

    Then this is going to be the place to go, its the bluest building you would have ever been to (in a fish sense) I was there last week and they had at least 3 good size tanks full of angels. happy shopping although before I go, my wife takes my credit cards off me:( you'll see why when you get...
  39. T

    Shirley Aquatics

    What are you going there for? they are very good for most things but they are not the cheapest shop. you can buy most of what you want on the net a great deal cheaper than shirleys or most other shops for that matter. Don't you have anything closer than a 115 miles as I said it is good but its...
  40. T

    I love my Fish

    I just realised that I had been standing looking at my fish for about 45 mins without moving an inch. Percy the Pleco cleaning the bogwood the 2 pair of breeding Severums cleaning each end of the tank to lay. The different colours the mating rituals "bloody Hell arern't we lucky to have such a...