Dyed and shocked


Hug a mod Nano Reef Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Dec 27, 2004
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Long Island, NY
Hi...I was at the 2 lfs's the other day and at one store, I was amazed at all the different colors and fluorescences of 'painted glassfish'. At the next store, I was wondering why I had not seen a 'blue botia' in the fish books I've been reading. Then I found this post:

Pretty shocking. Is this pinned somewhere for all 'newbies' to see? SH
I stumped up the courage to tell the manager of a lfs in the midlands area of the uk I told him that I am a member of an aquatics forum that would send a message all over the country in a matter of minutes and there would be a boycott of his shop! he said "I've been thinking of stopping ok I will"! I was shocked out of my boots :cool:
soo sad to dye fish...i refuse to buy painted fish although they are pretty...but at what cost? :(
Those swordtails don't look dyed to me.... just freaky! :lol:
Looks like the use of a colour filter on the camera lens or they've increased the colour saturation in photoshop.
Some time ago my other half (who is not fish-orientated) bought some 'pink' widows and 'blue' widows for our aquarium (I already have black widows). It seems these are actually white skirt tetras which have been injected with dye. No doubt the people who did it thought they needed brightening up, and upped the price while they were at it!

The problem is, these fish are not happy. They constantly nip each other, and the black ones nip them too, and several of them have sustained damage, like missing pectoral fins or a missing eye. Fortunately, I have plenty of room in the tank, so they can keep away from each other most of the time. I assume that, since fish communicate by colour, each of these poor fish sees the others as some kind of alien, so instead of shoaling peacefully they're all afraid of each other!

I am very tempted to euthanise the lot of them, because although they're not suffering physically as far as I can see, they must be suffering mentally. I really think that dyed fish should be made illegal, and the people who sell them prosecuted. Surely fish should be protected by the RSPCA against this kind of cruelty?

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