

Jan 24, 2005
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Probably on the bus to Brock U.
I was reading about Bala/Tricolour sharks, when I came across the part where it said they were caught in South Asia. I was wondering: Will the Tsunami affect prices of fish caught in this area? Just curious.
Doubt it, they are farmed fish and freswater - so I'd assume mostly inland a ways.... :unsure:

www :)
the caretaker said:
Me thinks your missing the point slightly? Who's bothered about the price of fish when 200,000 people have died! :dunno:
haha, why do people always gotta go and try to make others look less caring then them? I obviously care about that, there is a reason I put just curious! (dont lecture me on tsunami victims, I had 250$ in my bank, and I gave 200$ to the aid groups)

Cheers all :thumbs:
the caretaker said:
As I said missing the point! :dunno: :dunno:
Sorry there mate i think your the one missing the point.
We all know how terrible, Awful, Horrific and devastating it is in SE a Asia after the Tsunami but there is nothing wrong with asking the question that DannyBoy17 asked.
Just because something horrific happened that doesn't mean that we have to keep quiet about things that aren't as serious and there was no need to jump down his throat.

Back to the question...........There are still many fish caught in the wild in these areas that aren't farm breed. Its many of these peoples liveihood to catch and trade tropical fish so im sure they need to get back to making some money to try rebuild their lives.
Thanks for answering the question mate, and for taking my back. Iwas afraid someone was going to have ago at me. Like you said, we all know the tragedies of the tsunami, and will never forget, but that's part of life. Theres nothing we can do now but continue to try and help, continue with our regular lives, and most importantly, never forget.
For sure, my friend! I have those days all the time, where everything everyone else says annoys me, just gotta get through them :D Thats why forgiveness is one of the most important things in life!
As we all know this was a terrible disaster for both people and the wildlife. :-(

I wonder how many species of fish both in land and at sea died? How many species were lost before they were discovered too? There was a reef but I hear that has gone completely.

I watched the program on the disaster tonight...... I found it very upsetting especially when i saw a man swimming in the sea as the wave came in..... he stood up and looked and then trid to move out of the way....... he was quickly engulfed and disapeared.

So much has been lost by so many and that goes for the wildlife too.
This disaster will never be forgotten and things will improve but never fully recover. :no: :-(
Practical fishkeeping has an artical that says that some of the reefs in the area (there are many) may need centuries to recover :( . The human price seems to be growing each day, I heard 280,000 mentioned as a possible deathtoll this morning. All we can do is give what we can.

Think of all those connected to the fish trade who were affected by this, the fish collectors out on the reefs and others who were doing thier job because we want to keep fish, who are now dead.


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