External filter


New Member
Jan 16, 2005
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How often should I clean/change the media in my external filter?
I have a 270 ltr tank with an Eheim Pro filter. The tank has been running for about 3 weeks now, I have performed a couple of 25% water changes but am not sure how often to clean the media.
I am aware that I need to rinse with tank water when do this.
Any advice will be much appreciated.
rinse the media in the old tank water you are going to discard, once a week when you do one of your water changes.... Only replace the media when it gets so bad that rinsing doesn't do the trick no more.
Well I guess it all depends on whether it looks like it could use a good rinsing out...
Not many replies here, would once every six weeks seem to be the general consensus then?
I do mine every 4-6 weeks, but they don't really need doing unless its affecting the flow rate IMO.

Hi Tom Tom, it would all depend on how many fish you have and what size they are, if you have a tank with 20 small fish and you not over feeding them then water changes will be all you need for ages. if you have 10 large fish that you are feeding a lot then they will be producing a lot. but you don't need to change your media very often you just rinse out the media in a bucket of tank water and your away.

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