What kind of fish are they?? --More Pix Added--


New Member
Jan 21, 2005
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Lost.. somewhere in Cali.
:huh: yeah, I feel about really stupid right now. lol. Okay, I bought these fish awhile back at the same time I purchased my first betta. My mom insisted that I got some more fish (she thinks that a 10 gallon is to big for one fish..uhh retard. lol) --so, I was like alright fine just to shut her up. Anyway, I remember that I did read what kind of fish they were, but I totally spaced out and forgot! So, I went back to the store I got them at yesturday but they didn't have them in anymore so I still have no clue. Does anyone have any ideas? Here are some photos. Sorry they arn't to great, i'm not use to taking pix of fish.. lol.



Is it the little pic of the stripy fishee under the pics of Jesus the betta? If not can you describe him for me?
I think it is, which is why I shut up. It looked similar to the sig, so I got confused. I, personally, have never seen that fish before. :dunno:

ETA: You two are aware of the sig length rules that are now in effect, right?
Mmmhmmm. :p I did so post pix. Haha. I guess you just missed them the first time you looked, oh well- anyway, that picture below the betta isn't the only one of them. If you look at that first picture I posted, they are right there.. eating.

EDIT: I just added some more photos, look to my original post to see them.
The fish that you have pictured are "Botia lohachata" The Botia that are pictured in the link from lucky62 are the more common "Dario"
Thank you for your help! It's really been bugging me because I want to make sure i'm taking care of them right, can't do that unless I know what they are- LoL. I should write these things down from now on. I'm going to go google Botia lohachata now. :D

EDIT: Looks like i'm going to have to get my 60 gallon tank set up. There's no way i'm keeping that size fish in a 10 gallon- :no: Now i'll have to buy a new filter too... and all that good stuff. Eh, they are fine for now though. :)
Well they won't be in the tank with the betta for to long anyway, I just have to cycle my other tank. My grandma is out getting what I need right now (Also had to get rock)

So far, they havn't bothered my Betta at all really. Sometimes they swim right on my betta and he doesn't even care. He is a very laid back Betta.. lol. During feeding though the bigger one did bite Jesus, this happened once yesturday and once today. But other than those two times, he hasn't messed with him at all. They get along fine besides that.

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