i Hate LFS workers


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Nov 15, 2004
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I went today to get a severum. She goes O it is too aggressive This (1/2") severum will Kill your (4") shark. I go ok how about this festivum? She says O too aggressive. She then Pointed me to the Iridescent sharks. I say " o dont these get to be 2'?' she goes yeah but they grow slowly. What is that supposed to mean? It will still need a bigger tank. I say ok i want to chance it with the severum and she says No i dont want to see a fish die. She wouldnt let me get it!
Well thats amazing!
When the severum got to about 4" you would start to find other fish gone from your tank but they are very slow growers so that would not have been for a while.
<----- my babies are 4/5" long now
I still doubt that even a 4" severum could eat a 6" shark.
I guess lfs workers are damn if they do, damned if they dont.

People on here are always complaining they will sell you anything, now here is one taking a stand on selling, and we still complain :rofl:
but they wouldnt sell me something i have researched and probly know more about then her. Does anyone think an almost an inch severum would kill a 4" RTBS/ what about a 1/2 " festivum?
i'm not sure what tank of yours it was going in but if it was going in either of the tanks in your sig it would of had a field day slaughtering them all- maybe not the RTBS.

I'm a LFS worker and hate it when a customer who is completely stupid (no offence) tries to make them selfs look smarter than me, it doesn't work.
actually the only fish that are going to be staying in My 55 are the Cories, RTBS, and Raphael. it was the same lady who told me that a Raphael would be fine in a 10 gallon for life. I was also in a state of shock when she suggeested an Iridescent shark. I didnt think anything would go after the Cories.
Hehehe, I'm so annoying with LFS workers. I'm not stupid, but cos I'm 13, people assume I'd keep a betta in a vase or a goldy in a teacup:) Although I don't blame LFS workers (well, some of them). They probably get so may twits saying "can i keep a silver shark with a nemofish in a goldfish bowl?" that they have to treat everyone like they're dim :D
i am an lfs worker... you wouldnt believe the questions i get sometimes (and the ignorant arguements!) every day, theres a mom and her little son or daughter wandering around our store asking for "a nemo" to put in a bowl. 99% of them dont even realise clown fishare marine, and we dont even sell marine fish at our store! lol. but, we do get some real experts too, and maybe unlike other lfs workers, i often hound them for thier expert knowledge. its always nice to chat to someone who knows what theyre doing... but it doesnt happen often! (and ive had many who claim to be experts, i sell them the fish against good advise, and lo and behold... i told them so! :crazy: )
but im not saying this is you at all, FISHY411... i know nothing about severums, so far be it for me to advise anything. in your case, i would default to your knowledge... and hope it was sound B)
I just lie to LFS workers, and say uh huh, yah, okay and then I say give me the fish I want. I do all this research to find the fish I want and even though it's fine they say something stupid anyway lol.
canarsie11 said:
I guess lfs workers are damn if they do, damned if they dont.

People on here are always complaining they will sell you anything, now here is one taking a stand on selling, and we still complain :rofl:
I agree! Go to Big Als in Hamilton! Amazing place to buy fish!

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