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    3 medications at once!

    The LFS gave me an antifungal, antibacterial, and Bettafix Remedy to cure my betta of fin rot. He's actually getting better, but I am worried that using all this medication is bad for him. I don't know which one is actually helping so I am afraid to stop using any of the 3. Should I just...
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    Snail Invasion

    Figure Eight Puffer will eat snails, but they are fin nippers.
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    Betta Ate Until He Burst!

    I'd get him out of the aquarium into a bowl with stress coat and melafix. Of course, he shouldn't eat until his belly goes down. I know that a cooked green pea can be used as a laxative. It worked on my zebra and my betta who ate up a flake spill that my husband had and when I came home they...
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    Balloon Mollies

    I have decided to make the balloon molly the star attraction of my 30 gallon tank. The aquarium will also be home to 6 to 9 neon tetra 6 zebra danio 3 oto (Oto cat, Golden otocinclus, Dwarf Sucker Mouth ) 3 Panda Corydoras Catfish I don't have any plans to add any more fish than these since...
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    of these fish

    I have had my danio is the Explorer Eclipse 2 gallon by mareland for 2 years. There is no air stone. The bio-wheel provides the air I was told. They are strong healhty and happy. BB
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    Zebra Danios with bloated bellies

    Today they are normal looking. I suppose that they did eat too much. Or that the rest are eating caviar!
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    Zebra Danios with bloated bellies

    Since I introduced the oto the danios are starting to look strange. the smallest blue has a gut that is nearly twice the size as normal. BB
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    Oto is getting beat up!

    I bought an oto today to help clean up the brown algae and Beaux is harassing the little guy. Will the betta get used to the oto or will he eventually kill it? BB
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    How do I know it's working?

    I am using the Bettafix Remedy. It is antibacterial. I have other medicines but I can't rememer what they are called and I have not used them for fear that I'd over medicate
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    Patio Ponds

    I will definately look into the other species you listed. I was going to just put a plant or two in the fountain and have one Paradise. But a few small fish sound like a better idea. Thanks for your advise! BB
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    Patio Ponds

    Thanks! I am excited! BB
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    Patio Ponds

    I live in GA and the fountain is in an enclosed "screen room". BB
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    Patio Ponds I got this from Lowes. BB
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    Patio Ponds

    I want to put Paradise fish in a 16 gallon fountain on my patio. BB
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    How do I know it's working?

    So I went to the LFS and was told that the white edges of his fins were not re-grgowth but that he was getting worse. I'll take a photo this evening. Please help! The guy at the LFS is not trustworthy. He tells me to starve Beaux for 3 days while I have him on treatment and I just don't...
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    I'd be worried about the sharpness of the artificial plants. BB
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    fish for small pond, other then goldies

    What about Paradise fish? I read that they can be kept in pond. BB
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    How do I know it's working?

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    Is this normal for 'diatoms' By this website dedicated to otos theyu'll have it cleared up in a few days. BB
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    Is this normal for 'diatoms'

    I have the same problem with my litt 2 gallon tank. Maybe we should get otos? Well, my tank's too small for those... BB
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    Me an My Fishm and mosquito larvae -_-

    I feel like I am going to sound really ignorant but, here in GA (US) we have a nasty population of mosquitos that carry west nile and other disease... Would that not hurt the fish some how? BB
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    How much gravel should be in an aquarium?

    No, it's a bio-wheel. Since Beaux got sick with rot I have learned that the filthy tank was the cause. Even though I keep the water cycled the brown gunky buikd up must be the reason for the rot. So, anyways, I will clean it really good this week and only put back 1/4 of the gravel. BB
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    how long should i cycle a golfish bowl before...

    How would you cycle a goldfish bowl? Does it have a filtration system? I always thought that the bowl's water had to be dumped each week. How could it stay cycled? BB
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    Carbon filter changes.

    I change mine every other week. It's costly and I wanted to know if there was a "norm"? BB
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    Wild caught fish

    I voted yes be/c I think that fish caught the wild can keep the captive population healthy by adding new genes to our breeding pools. BB
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    How much gravel should be in an aquarium?

    I have a very small aquarium 2 gallons (us). I am planning or giving it a really good clean this coming weekend. My fish has fin rot and isn't getting better with treatment. I have been doing water chngse weekly for years but I never thought to clean out the place where the carbon filter goes...
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    How do I know it's working?

    I have been using this product daily and doing 25% water changes for a week now and I can't tell if he's get better from the fin rot. He much be be/c he made a nice bubble nest, his deep blue color is back to his face, no more white scales under his gills and is eating again. He is still not...
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    Paradise fish

    From a site I was to purchase my Paradise (since change my mind) it was listed that they are to be kept in groups of 1:2 male/female ratio. BB
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    Fin rot and filter question.

    Thank you all for your advice. I have cleaned the filter and changed 50% of the water. Our house is freezing now at 73 degrees FH but the tank (2 gallon) is now at 78 degrees FH and steady for the past 3 hours. The water looks really good, I've treated it with the Bettafix for the finrot and...
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    Fin rot and filter question.

    I just cleaned my tank this past Sunday. I didn't clean the filter but replaced it with a new one. My water parameters are with in acceptable levels. Amonia 0 PH 7.3 Nitrite 7.8 I will clean the tank in the morning since they've been traumatized all evening with ice cubes and water changes...
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    85 degrees!!! Will they die?

    The water temp went right back up once the ice melted. I haven't got a fan and the temp of my house is at 75 degrees. I just don't understand. I haven't got a light fixture in the tank. It's not by a window and as far as I know I haven't had this problem before in the 3 years I've had the...
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    85 degrees!!! Will they die?

    I have added 6 ice bars and the temp dropped to 80 degrees. I am sure that the ice will make it go lower. I just hope that my babes will be ok... :-(
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    85 degrees!!! Will they die?

    Ok, I'll add ice...I am beside myself with gratitude! I was worried that ice would be a shock to the little tank. ETA> I just read 66-81°F is what danios can tolerate.... :crazy:
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    Fin rot and filter question.

    I can't be sure the fin rot is caused by I am treating him with the Bettafix in hopes that it will cure him. Do you suggest that I purchase another medicine? Would I pair it with the Bettafix? It is pro'lly poo that I am seeing. I will clean the tank in 4 more days. That way Beaux has one...
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    85 degrees!!! Will they die?

    I came hoem from work today and I noticed that it was very warm in the house. Well, I saw that the Airconditioner was off. I raced to the tank and Beaux was swiming around and his eyes look puffy! The danio are too fast to really tell if theirs are that way but their tummies all look bloated...
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    Keepin betta at work...

    Do you take him home with you? Do you come in to feed him? BB
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    How many Pink Kisser Gouramis

    What I found on this site that I am buying fish from was, "Pink Kissers will do best in a group with at least four Kissers. " BB
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    How often should I test water?

    I was wondering about that. I mean, these chemicals are not exactly cheap. I only tested PH and Amonia so far, but I can't imagine doing this daily! BB
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    Fin rot and filter question.

    Surely, someone has an idea?
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    How often should I test water?

    How often should I test water? BB