Me an My Fishm and mosquito larvae -_-


New Member
May 26, 2004
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Newcastle, Australia
just veturing out in the wide world of fishes and so far so good B)
i have anAA 10 us gallon self-contained tank with 7 fish so far. (as listed below but also a dalmatoin mollie that i got today. :)

ATM i am feeding them tetramin tropical flakes twice a day. I am wondering what else i can feed them. i have heard that you can feed fish mosquito larva but i want to check incase it will hurt them.

Is there any way to promote the breeding btween the mollies. i think the bettas wont beed as the filter makes the surface turbulent and i dont really want them to anyway.

Thanks for reading my ramble and any feedback would be appreciated.
Yes, most fish will apreciate live food. I have heard that you can feed fish mosquito larvae and there is no harm in trying (in the case of the fish anyway) But be cautious with the mosquitos-I don't think you want them hatching.
I feed lots of mosquito and other larva to my fish - I make sure that I add no debris and I rinse them in fresh water first. Do you have the two bettas loose in the tank together?

ck201028 said:
just veturing out in the wide world of fishes and so far so good B)
i have anAA 10 us gallon self-contained tank with 7 fish so far. (as listed below but also a dalmatoin mollie that i got today. :)

ATM i am feeding them tetramin tropical flakes twice a day. I am wondering what else i can feed them. i have heard that you can feed fish mosquito larva but i want to check incase it will hurt them.

Is there any way to promote the breeding btween the mollies. i think the bettas wont beed as the filter makes the surface turbulent and i dont really want them to anyway.

Thanks for reading my ramble and any feedback would be appreciated.
I feel like I am going to sound really ignorant but, here in GA (US) we have a nasty population of mosquitos that carry west nile and other disease...

Would that not hurt the fish some how?

The Male betta will haras the fems unles they are in a tank thats about 9 feet long. And no the WNV will not affect the fish (if you are between 6 and 60 it will be no more than a flu to you) and you don't have nearyas many mosquitoes as Jams does.
thanks for the feedback re: the mosquito larvae.

jams.alaskan said:
Do you have the two bettas loose in the tank together?


yes the two female bettas and the male are all in the one tank together. I dont think they will harrass each other much as they are brother and sisters. they were a gift from a relative who breeds them.

as for west nile disease i dont thnk we have that here in australia.

i live about 1 km from a swamp so i shall start collecting and washing the larvae to feed them.


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