How do I know it's working?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 10, 2003
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I have been using this product daily and doing 25% water changes for a week now and I can't tell if he's get better from the fin rot. He much be be/c he made a nice bubble nest, his deep blue color is back to his face, no more white scales under his gills and is eating again. He is still not flaring though.

This medication is an antibacterial and I was thinking of getting the Bettamax Antifungal. Be/c I am unsure if his rot is from bacteria or fungus.

Anyways, what do you suggest?

I usually stop mediciating after I see the white regrowth where the fin rot was, thats generally when it starts to work.
building a bubblenest usually is a sign that your betta is doing well or at least the conditions he's in are good enough for him to thinka bout breeding. Though it doesnt' mean that he's perfectly healthy.

Maybe ur betta just doesnt' like to flare :) i have a betta like that, he won't ever flare, not even if i hold a mirror up to him. Very strange :)
I usually go by the regrowth as well. I have a betta that will bubblenest no matter how sick he is. He is just a stud i suppose...anyways I would go by the dissapearance of the black and when you see it is gone and new growth is happening you can put him in bettamax to promote growth especially if he lost a fair bit of tail. Take care of your little guy. Good luck with the treatment.
So I went to the LFS and was told that the white edges of his fins were not re-grgowth but that he was getting worse.

I'll take a photo this evening. Please help! The guy at the LFS is not trustworthy. He tells me to starve Beaux for 3 days while I have him on treatment and I just don't trust him.

Hi BettaBabe :)

What antibacterial product are you using?

Finrot is caused by Columnaris Flexibacter but a fish can also have a secondary infection of Aeromonas bacteria. Even though it might look like a fungus, it's actually a bacteria that causes it. Since so many people make this mistake in diagnosis, I understand that some meds that are labeled to treat fungus actually have antibacterial drugs in them.

If you are using an antibiotic, DO NOT stop using it before the entire course of treatment is finished. (You might even need to repeat the treatment.)

DO feed your betta good nutritious foods like live or frozen blackworms or tubifex worms. The main reason a fish gets finrot is because he has become stressed and his immune system has weakened. You will want to feed him well and keep his environment very clean and well oxygenated to rebuild it.

BTW, do you live in the US or the UK?
Inchworm said:
Hi BettaBabe :)

What antibacterial product are you using?

Finrot is caused by Columnaris Flexibacter but a fish can also have a secondary infection of Aeromonas bacteria. Even though it might look like a fungus, it's actually a bacteria that causes it. Since so many people make this mistake in diagnosis, I understand that some meds that are labeled to treat fungus actually have antibacterial drugs in them.

If you are using an antibiotic, DO NOT stop using it before the entire course of treatment is finished. (You might even need to repeat the treatment.)

DO feed your betta good nutritious foods like live or frozen blackworms or tubifex worms. The main reason a fish gets finrot is because he has become stressed and his immune system has weakened. You will want to feed him well and keep his environment very clean and well oxygenated to rebuild it.

BTW, do you live in the US or the UK?
I am using the Bettafix Remedy. It is antibacterial. I have other medicines but I can't rememer what they are called and I have not used them for fear that I'd over medicate
Hi BettaBabe :)

BettaFix is a mild antibacterial like MelaFix and from what I seem to see, if it is going to work, it will do its job quickly. If it hasn't worked in a week, it might be a good idea to try something else.

BettaMax is a very effective product and is worth a try. In addition to the medicine it has vitamins to help build him up. Unfortunately it is going out of stock in many lfs. It's worth looking for, but if you can't find it, I would suggest going to an antibiotic, if you live in the US or in another place where they can be bought.

Please let me know what you decide to get and how he responds to it. Good luck; I hope he recovers quickly. :D

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