85 degrees!!! Will they die?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 10, 2003
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I came hoem from work today and I noticed that it was very warm in the house. Well, I saw that the Airconditioner was off. I raced to the tank and Beaux was swiming around and his eyes look puffy! The danio are too fast to really tell if theirs are that way but their tummies all look bloated. The water was 85 degrees. Not thinking, I dumped my bottled spring water in the tank and it dropped to 82 degrees.

What else can I do?

I believe beaux is a betta. he's used to these conditions.

As for danios, they need cooler water.

If you have no solution, you might want to add ice cubes. The water will cool rapidly, but the chlorine shouldn't hurt if you add the dechlorinator.
The easy answer is a partial water change with cooler water.

I did this the other day when my betta got around 82-83. I put some ice cubes in the water. He hung out by them for a little while. If your fish are really hot they'll probably hang out near the ice. They'll figure it out.
on a really hot day my tank got to about 87 degress. i unpluged the heater but it took four days to get down four degress. then it just rapidly went down to 72 at night. i had to move my tank into the basment room because it was cooler down there. u minght have 2 move it also if it gets to hot.
Ok, I'll add ice...I am beside myself with gratitude! I was worried that ice would be a shock to the little tank.

ETA> I just read 66-81°F is what danios can tolerate.... :crazy:
I have added 6 ice bars and the temp dropped to 80 degrees. I am sure that the ice will make it go lower. I just hope that my babes will be ok... :-(
When the ice is at the temp you want, why not take some ice out? or all of it if the house it getting too hot? if you have a fan you can blow that across the surface to remove heat quicker too
Another solution that i have used is to fill a bottle(s) with ice water and float them in the tank. It is a less traumatic way of bringing down the temp. The fish could stress not only from the increased heat but also from the quick lowering of the temp using ice. Using the bottles you can control how cold they are that way you control how fast the temp decreases. Up here we dont need to worry about the heat too much this time of year but occasionally it happens or a heater gets stuck. Anyway HTH :)
The water temp went right back up once the ice melted. I haven't got a fan and the temp of my house is at 75 degrees. I just don't understand. I haven't got a light fixture in the tank. It's not by a window and as far as I know I haven't had this problem before in the 3 years I've had the tank.

Could it be the Bettafix?

Try to avoid rapid changes in water temp. as it can stress your fishes out :(
i've never had this problem myself as i live in canada so its pretty cold around here for the most part leaving it up to my heaters to keep my tanks steady

i have heard of fans being very useful as mentioned above and the bottled ice works pretty effectively and is cheaper i'm assuming.
i hope you solve this problem soon! good luck
thats wat happened to me and 2 mollys and 1 platy died :sad:
i took the heater out and turned the light off for 4 days and put some ice in and the water went down gradually over 2 weeks.
Thats why I love my space heater and a/c :) I can set the exact temp I want and they'll keep it that way. /me pats heater and a/c on the back. I agree with what other said about your situation though. Do a partial water change with some cooler water.
If you have lights on the tank you can turn them off as they can often raise the water temp higher then the room temp all of their own. What size tank are we talking about?

Put a couple of ice cubes in and lower the temp on the heater. If you have a fan, then use it. Also, if you open the top of the tank, the heat will leave quicker. You might just want to crack though, because some danios are jumpers.

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