Fin rot and filter question.


Fish Fanatic
Jun 10, 2003
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I am treating Beaux with Bettafix and I took the carbon filter out, under the filter is this brown gooey looking stuff, it is all over the sides of the filter and the bottom. Could this be from the medication :/ , an algae :sick: , or the phos-x pkg I have to control the brown bloom?

It's either brown algae or diatoms or the phosx thing. Not sure about the latter, seeing as how I've done no research on it and have not used it.

As for bettafix, chances are it won't work if the fin rot is caused by a bacterial infection. Bettafix is only a tonic, not a cure. However, if the cause is of a fungal nature, it should help, as should fungicides.
Are you sure it's not just the poo and nasty stuff that has been filtered out? that is where it ends up,in the filter....
I can't be sure the fin rot is caused by I am treating him with the Bettafix in hopes that it will cure him. Do you suggest that I purchase another medicine? Would I pair it with the Bettafix?

It is pro'lly poo that I am seeing. I will clean the tank in 4 more days. That way Beaux has one whole week of Bettafix (or what ever) to cure his fin rot.

I was thinking poo or algae too, but am not familiar with bettas, so I didn't want to chime in :p
Hi BettaBabe :)

The reason your fish has finrot is most likely from dirty water. :eek:

I strongly suggest you give his tank a thorough cleaning immediately and then restart the medication. If the BettaFix doesn't work in a few days time, post back and I'll give you additional suggestions for other medications.
Inchworm said:
Hi BettaBabe :)

The reason your fish has finrot is most likely from dirty water. :eek:

I strongly suggest you give his tank a thorough cleaning immediately and then restart the medication. If the BettaFix doesn't work in a few days time, post back and I'll give you additional suggestions for other medications.
I just cleaned my tank this past Sunday. I didn't clean the filter but replaced it with a new one. My water parameters are with in acceptable levels.

Amonia 0
PH 7.3
Nitrite 7.8

I will clean the tank in the morning since they've been traumatized all evening with ice cubes and water changes. I have done two 20% water changes today be/c the temp is very high at 85 degrees FH.

I'm sure you're on top of your water changes,bb :) ;) Maybe try aging your water over night, that might clear up the fin rot quickly.
Hi BettaBabe :)

After I posted on this thread I read about the trouble you've been having today. :eek:

This was not a good experience for the fish or for you either. The problem with the fish is that stress such as rapidly increased temperature is one of the things that, even by itself can cause a fish to get finrot. And high temperatures lead to low oxygen in the water and that is another potential cause of it. High nitrites are yet another cause.

I suggest you do everything you can to stabelize the temperature, even if it's a bit warmer than you would like. It's better for the fish than constant changes. :nod:

Clean water is extra important under these circumstances because finrot is a bacterial infection and you will want to do everything possible to keep the number of bacteria down. This alone will do a lot to help your fish.

Since you've already begun treatment with the BettaFix, do continue it, but be sure to do your water changes as often as possible, as well.

Good luck. I hope he gets well soon.
Thank you all for your advice. I have cleaned the filter and changed 50% of the water. Our house is freezing now at 73 degrees FH but the tank (2 gallon) is now at 78 degrees FH and steady for the past 3 hours. The water looks really good, I've treated it with the Bettafix for the finrot and added aquarium salt as well. Now, I am just praying that Beaux will do better at healing. I will NEVER again turn my airconditioner off!

It is hot in GA this week! This little "adventure" has been a trauma to my fish and me. I hope that I will not have this type of trouble keeping my 30 gallon cool.


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