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  1. K

    New Tank - No Center Braces

    So how wide would I want the glass supports to be? 8 inches or so?
  2. K

    New Tank - No Center Braces

    The frame on my tank already has a small lip. Will I still need to get the long 65-70" long pieces?
  3. K

    New Tank - No Center Braces

    I will check tonight if it's plastic or metal.
  4. K

    New Tank - No Center Braces

    So how would I go about adding the braces? What should they be made of and what should I use to connect them?
  5. K

    New Tank - No Center Braces

    I recently got a new 225 gallon tank. It is 72x24x30 (LxWxH). The thing I'm worried about is that it doesn't have any center braces. It is an older tank and I know older tanks didn't always have them and have thicker glass. I haven't measured how thick the glass is because there's a frame...
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    Choosing Lights

    I don't think those would fit above the tank. I have a canopy on top of the tank. Are there anything fluorescents that are similar to those?
  7. K

    Eheim Classic Canister And Sand

    Hello I am considering using sand in my tank soon. I am looking at using aragonite sand. I am worried that it might get sucked up the filter which I have read is bad. Would the eheim pre-filter stop this from happening? I also noticed eheim has a pre-filter and a surface extractor. Can both...
  8. K

    Choosing Lights

    I'm looking for standard 48" lights. I have a 48" long tank and I am just looking for standard lights. No plants or anything. Just looking for something that's not too expensive and lights up the tank well. Preferably one with a cheap replacement bulb. My fluorescent lights currently cost...
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    Algae On Glass

    I've had a 55 gallon tank for about 2 years now. Everything is good with it except there is algae all over the glass. The algae is actually stuck on though. I have tried to scrub it and it will come off only if I scrub as hard as I can, which ends up scratching the glass. Is there anything I...
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    Getting New Filter, How To Upgrade?

    Ok I currently have an Eheim Classic 2213, I'm upgrading to the 2217. What do I need to do to upgrade this and not cause a cycle?
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    4. 2 males and 2 females
  12. K

    Eheim 2215 Classic

    I'm using a 2213 in my 55 gallon. On the website it says 66 gallon tank size for the 2213 and 93 gallon tank size for the 2215. Should i get the 2215 instead?
  13. K

    Automatic Feeders

    I need to get an automatic feeder for my fish. The problem is I don't have a lot of room. My tank is about 2 1/2 inches from the wall and I have a canopy on top of my tank which only gives me about 4 inches between the canopy and the top of the tank. My understanding is that most of these...
  14. K


    I currently have a pair of german blue rams. They got along fine and seem to be a pair. I have a 55 gallon community tank. I just bought 2 blue rams (male and female) and added them to the tank. Now the rams seem to all chase each other. Are they just getting used to the new fish or would...
  15. K

    Multiple Rams

    I have 2 german blue rams which are a pair. I recently bought 2 blue rams (male and female) and added it to the tank. It's a community 55 gallon tank. Since I got the 2 blue rams, one of the german ones keeps chasing them around. Will they eventually calm down?
  16. K

    Well I Think All My Fish Are Going To Die

    Well still now power but all the fish are still alive. It's raining now so it should get a little cooler today. My canister has several different types of media in it. Should I just open it and pour some water on it?
  17. K

    Well I Think All My Fish Are Going To Die

    I have a canister filter.. Shouldn't it be ok without having to put it in a bucket?
  18. K

    Well I Think All My Fish Are Going To Die

    Can I do frequent water changes without the water going through the filter?
  19. K

    Well I Think All My Fish Are Going To Die

    A huge storm came through last night and left about 500,000 people around the St. Louis area without power. Of course I'm one of the lucky ones. I don't have a backup for any of my tank stuff but even if I did, I don't think it would help. The temperature today is going to get up to 100 and...
  20. K

    Square Tank

    Ok, I'm confused. I don't want a nanocube. I'm looking for something that's like 4ft by 4ft.
  21. K

    Square Tank

    I'm looking for something like a square tank to start a reef tank. I was thinking about something like 48x48x12 or 18. Is there a reason why I wouldn't want to do this? Know where I can find pricing on something like this online?
  22. K

    Gourami Chasing Blue Rams

    Yes I'm thinking the dwarf and the blue one are both males. I can't tell really but they chase eachother a lot.
  23. K

    Gourami Chasing Blue Rams

    I do have that color variety but it's not bother them. He chases the gourami that's bothering them actually. The one that is chasing my rams is a Colisa lalia (the red colored one).
  24. K


    Do you have a level? Try using a level and see if it's flat or not.
  25. K

    Gourami Chasing Blue Rams

    I have a tank with a few gouramis and 2 blue rams. The blue rams are a pair. For some reason one of my gouramis chase the blue rams. Anyone know why? The blue rams are new, I just got them a few days ago.
  26. K

    Buying Fish Online?

    I've bought plants and supplies from ( I haven't bought fish but they explain how they ship fish and it seems like they take great care. Plus they have a 14 day guarantee. Here's their shipping info:
  27. K

    How To Know If Diy Co2 Is Working

    Mines doing pretty much the same thing. When I said after I shake it bubbles come out, I meant bubbles come out of the airstone in the tank, not in my 2 liters. I recently hooked up a 20oz bottle as a bubble counter and of course it made no difference. However if I shake the 2 liters...
  28. K

    How To Know If Diy Co2 Is Working

    I'll definitely try out that bell idea. I think I'm going to make the second smaller bottle tonight and hook that up. I've had it running for about 2 days now and still no bubbles. When I shake up the two 2 liters bubbles do come out. I'm wondering if I didn't shake it enough when I set it...
  29. K

    How To Know If Diy Co2 Is Working

    Thanks, I've seen pictures of a 20oz bottle in between before but I wasn't sure of what it was exactly for. I'll try that out.
  30. K

    How To Know If Diy Co2 Is Working

    I just set up a DIY co2 system today. I have a 55 gallon tank. I used 2 two liter bottles. 2 cups of sugar with about 3/4 yeast. I'm using an airstone on the end of the line. Should there be bubbles coming out of the airstone? How exactly do you know if its working?
  31. K

    Cleaning A Planted Tank

    Well before I had a lot of plants I was able to use my python cleaner and it would clean all the gravel and everything. Now that I have a lot of plants I really don't get to see much of the gravel. So I guess my question is, whats the best way to clean a planted tank?
  32. K

    Help With Aquascaping

    Alright I just moved a bunch of plants around and I guess I'll let them grow like this and see what happens. I like how they look much better than before Left: Middle: Right: Full: Any other suggestions?
  33. K

    Help With Aquascaping

    I know some of the plants may not survive but I figured I would try. I have something like ecocomplete on the bottom and then regular gravel on top of it. I have 2.0 wpg of light with no CO2. It's a 55 gallon tank btw. There isn't a crab or anything in the tank. Thanks for the suggestions...
  34. K

    Help With Aquascaping

    A bunch of plants came in the mail yesterday and I decided to just kind of them them in and see what happens. Well I don't really like the outcome cause it's kind of messy. I took some pictures, some of them are kind of blurry. I will try to get better pictures later. Any suggestions you...
  35. K

    Filter Maintenance

    Yea that picture is pretty much what it looks like. I'm pretty sure theres a black pad in there as well though. I'm going to take it apart tonight and see whats going on. Probably rinse the pads in tank water as well. Thanks for the help on that. Can some one also help me out with the...
  36. K

    Golden Nugger Pleco

    It's small. Probably 1 1/2 - 2 inches. I have a cave and driftwood but I pulled them up and he wasn't wasn't under them. Everything else is gravel substrate. I'll try to get some pictures.
  37. K

    Golden Nugger Pleco

    I just bought a golden nugget pleco a few days ago and now I can't find him. Do they bury themselves under gravel? That seems like the only other place it could be.
  38. K

    Gold Nugget Plec Pricing

    I saw them at Petsmart for 40 so I went to a non chain fish store and got it for 20.
  39. K

    Filter Maintenance

    I'm trying to remember from when I set it up. I know there was 1 black pad which I'm guessing is a coarse pad. Then I think it also had 2 fine pads. It also had something in it which I want to say look like this:
  40. K

    My Medium Tank Broke And Killed The House

    Did it do any damage to your house?