Help With Aquascaping


Fish Fanatic
Apr 8, 2006
Reaction score
St. Louis, MO
A bunch of plants came in the mail yesterday and I decided to just kind of them them in and see what happens. Well I don't really like the outcome cause it's kind of messy.

I took some pictures, some of them are kind of blurry. I will try to get better pictures later. Any suggestions you guys can leave me would be great though.

Left side of tank:


Middle of tank:


Right side of tank:


Full tank.. blurry


Tank on an angle


Should I move the driftwood to the middle of the tank?

Like I said.. I'll try to get better pictures. I think I'll turn the bubbles off too because it seems like they make it more blurry.
your tank looks very healthy! all i can suggest is planting your plants in patches

it seeems like an open feild of plants that have no interation

i would add more driftwood and big rocks

you need large decor in the tank

there are lots of sites with pics of great looking tanks...
just pic a theme and go for it! :good:

but i have to say it dosnt look half bad
The biggest test of this layout will only be fully seen once its all grown out a bit, you have some quite big plants in there so you may find you have to shift stuff around once its a bit bigger. But it looks good to be so far :)

BTW I take it this isn't an EI tank? Is that just gravel in there? The reason I ask is that some of those plants are quite demanding with nutrients and light and may not do so well unless you give them lots of light, CO2 and ferts. sorry to put a downer on it, but just dont be too surprised if they dont all survive.
I know some of the plants may not survive but I figured I would try. I have something like ecocomplete on the bottom and then regular gravel on top of it. I have 2.0 wpg of light with no CO2. It's a 55 gallon tank btw.

There isn't a crab or anything in the tank.

Thanks for the suggestions so far. They're really helping.
Alright I just moved a bunch of plants around and I guess I'll let them grow like this and see what happens. I like how they look much better than before









Any other suggestions?
Wow! nice setup. I think you should wait till it grows out, you need some taller plants to give depth. Have some space in the front of the tank which has nothing in it. I think you could move the bogwood to the right more, it will be more striking then. Also, a black background would bde a nice touch, the blue could be changed.

I also think you could get some java moss or riccia on the floor to cover up some of the gravel. or Glosso?

Anyway, really nice tank! Good luck

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