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  1. RopefishManiac

    Sea Apple

    Where can you find the warning list?
  2. RopefishManiac

    Red Spotted Hawkfish

    That does seem like the best idea. I'll stick to one hawk. Thanks :)
  3. RopefishManiac

    Red Spotted Hawkfish

    It's a 45 (U.S.) gallon tank. I wanted to know also, since we're talking about Hawkfish, would a Falco pester anything less aggressive than itself? Such as gobies, blennies, or anything else close to them. I've heard also that the Hawkfish tend to bother bottom-dwelling species too. Is this true?
  4. RopefishManiac

    New To Saltwater...

    I believe this is the Dragon Goby BitterCowgal is looking at. They're excellent sand sifters but I've been told they're hard to feed. I'm not positive on that though. About the fish, the Lawnmower Blenny would definitley be useful seeing as...
  5. RopefishManiac

    New To Saltwater

    Hmm. Well to start, I really just wanted the urchins because they ate algae, but seeing as how I found the Algae Blenny I don't really need them anymore. I think I would also need a scavenger though. You know, an extra clean-up member to eat basically anything lying around the tank. So that...
  6. RopefishManiac

    New To Saltwater

    Well yes, of course the Neon Goby could get eaten. I took that into consideration. Thanks for the heads up though. I'm not too sure anything would eat him though. The fish that I want are all pretty small or non-aggressive. I knew about the equipment problem too though! :D I have a canister...
  7. RopefishManiac

    New To Saltwater

    Ha, I changed my mind again. I'm going to get a Sharknose Goby instead. :P Same fish, same job. He just looks cooler.
  8. RopefishManiac

    New To Saltwater

    Well, I was going to give my fish a varied diet anyway, especially the Snowflake Eel and I'm thinking of getting a Puffer, but again I need to watch what he eats. So, I really don't think it will become problematic. About the Cleaner Wrasse, I meant other health effects as in maybe ich or some...
  9. RopefishManiac

    New To Saltwater

    How big is big enough for the Falco and Red Spotted Hawks? Would the Cleaner Wrasse's negative health effects affect the other inhabitants of my tank? Like an illness? Or just like something like malnutrition that wouldn't do anything to my fish at all? If it's just malnutrition I'd probably...
  10. RopefishManiac

    New To Saltwater

    Wow. Thanks Tommy Gun. So pretty much everything is compatible but there are a few chances? I know the lionfish won't eat anything. I'm not sure what it is but my cousin has one in a reef tank with tons of small fish. SO he'll be ok. I might get urchins then I guess. I just don't like them but...
  11. RopefishManiac

    New To Saltwater

    Hmm. Ok I just wanted to make sure they wouldn't get eaten by anything on here. I know snails are a very tasty snack to almost all fish (except reef safe of course).
  12. RopefishManiac

    New To Saltwater

    Can the Falco be kept with the Red Spotted Hawk? I've read that they aggressive towards their own species but it never said whether it was other hawks or just the other Falco hawks. The mythrax crabs meaning the emerald crabs? Is there anything else that's compatible with these fish that eats...
  13. RopefishManiac

    Flame Hawkfish

    The tank is does seem big enough for the hawk to not be aggressive. The only one you'd REALLY have to worry about is the Watchman Goby. He's only one fish though in such a huge tank. So it shouldn't be a problem. Good luck and may he live a million years. :)
  14. RopefishManiac

    Red Spotted Hawkfish

    Need some info. on this fish. I can't find anything too great on the internet. Can it get along with a Falco Hawkfish of equal size that is introduced at the same time? Just curiosity. Please send some links for good websites!! Thanks :D
  15. RopefishManiac

    New To Saltwater

    I don't have a tank set up or anything yet. I know very well about the set up about the tank but I just can't seem to find a good compatibility list for fish. Fish: Midas Blenny, 2 Scooter Blennies (mated pair, I would guess), Falco Hawkfish, Red Spotted Hawkfish, Dwarf Lion, Yellow Headed...
  16. RopefishManiac

    Can Anyone Tell Me What Kind Fo Catfish This Is?

    That's what it is! Thanks a lot. That's pretty much all I needed. Just so I could find more information about them. Thanks again.
  17. RopefishManiac

    Whiskered Rasboras

    The whiskers are fairly short compared to the body. I'm going to google flying barb again. None of the pictures I saw looked anything like my fish last time though.
  18. RopefishManiac

    Whiskered Rasboras

    I'm almost positive it isn't a flying barb. It's too long to be one. It kind of looks like a danio but its fatter and longer. It greatly resembles a rasbora in it's general looks but it's longer and fatter. I have a semi-decent picture. It's kind of blurry because it never stops moving.
  19. RopefishManiac

    Can anyone tell me what fish this is?

    It is definitely a Striped Raphael Catfish. They (as you've been told) need a cave or something to hide in/under, meaty foods, clean water, regular tropical temperatures. They don't really need to be kept in groups but they will do better. I've always kept a couple of these guys. They're great. :)
  20. RopefishManiac

    Can Anyone Tell Me What Kind Fo Catfish This Is?

    I've had him for a month or so now. He's completely non aggressive. He hides occasionally but mostly he's an out going fish. I'm not sure if he's a bottom feeder or not. He does both. Some pics: (Sorry they're blurry. My phone camera isn't that great! :unsure: ) Anyone know what it is? I...
  21. RopefishManiac

    Whiskered Rasboras

    Neither of those were the fish I have. Any others?
  22. RopefishManiac

    Whiskered Rasboras

    They are silver in color. Most have a black stripe from front to back. They have literal whiskers coming out of their jaw. There are two whiskers, it isn't like a catfish. They look the same as any other Rasbora.
  23. RopefishManiac

    Whiskered Rasboras

    I really just want to learn more about theses guys. I couldn't find anything. Some links and pictures would be helpful. Please and thank you. :)
  24. RopefishManiac

    Apollo Flying Shark?

    I've heard of these guys but I've never seen them, never heard of them, nothing. They just sound cool. Anyone know anyhting about them? Please give me links for pictures/info websites.
  25. RopefishManiac

    I Need A Strictly Algae Eating Fish

    You would definitely need some oto catfish. These little guys are great. You would only need 2-3 (but better if you have 3) and they do a great job cleaning algae. They are community fish. They won't go after anything and nothing (except for much bigger fish of course) will be aggressive towards...
  26. RopefishManiac

    Algae Eating Fish

    Well, you could also use an algae scraper for the glass sides of the tank but this can sometimes stress out fish (if used to often). It also depends on what's in the tank. If it's just plants or a small community fish try an algae eating shrimp. That's about all you can do for a tank that's only...
  27. RopefishManiac

    Algae Eating Fish

    One of the best algae eating fish (especially for a small tank) would be the otto catfish. It has little waste, unlike a pleco, and you would really only need one or two. You should get algae eating fish only AFTER you see algae develop. The fish will starve without it. Well, no, there is...
  28. RopefishManiac

    Whale Fish

    It could be any of the fish mentioned above. I'm not sure. Any pictures of something related to "whale fish" is fine. Although I think it is the Pollimyrus castelnaui but any fish related to whale fish or anything like that I'd like to see.
  29. RopefishManiac

    How Do You Change Your Ranking?

    Oh, well that was easy. Thanks. :)
  30. RopefishManiac

    How Do You Change Your Ranking?

    I'm sure almost anyone who isn't new to this website can answer this question for me. I just want o know how to up-grade from a newbie to the next level. For example in my posts where it says "Newbie" and one little fish under it. How do i get it to say "Fish Addict" (or whatever comes after...
  31. RopefishManiac

    Why Is My Ph Dropping?

    Do you have any driftwood in the tank? If you do that could be another reason why the pH is dropping. Sometimes driftwood just sucks out your pH. I still don't have a clue why but it does. I know someone who put driftwood in her saltwater tank and don't get me wrong she's a very educated person...
  32. RopefishManiac

    Whale Fish

    I've heard about these fish. They're called Whale Fish. Has anyone head of them? I guess they're pretty rare. Can someone give me a good picture or two of one? It would be greatly appreciated. :)
  33. RopefishManiac

    Celebes Half-beaks

    So should I take the Half-Beak out? He seems to be pretty lax now and not harming anyone else but I would just like a second opinion. I knew the information you told me. All of my fish are extremely small so I'm not too worried about over stocking right now. Plus, I was thinking of upgrading to...
  34. RopefishManiac


    I'm not quite positive what question you're asking. Whether it's what fry are or which they are from. So, I'll answer both. Fry are baby live bearer fish. They are most likely from the mollies since they are the live bearers in your tank. The danios could have laid eggs of course but that's...
  35. RopefishManiac

    An important note to all newbies

    Never mind my last post... I found out where it was.
  36. RopefishManiac

    Celebes Half-beaks

    I recently purchased a Celebes Half-Beak (while looking for a wrestling half beak but I figured they'd be basically the same thing). When I put it in with the rest of my fish, I noticed some aggressiveness to anything that got close to him. He seems to have stopped but I'm really not sure at...
  37. RopefishManiac

    An important note to all newbies

    I just had a quick question. I want to post a new topic. I've written it out and everything but I can't seem to find the place where it says something like "Post Message" or something like that at the bottom of the screen. I'm sure thousands of people can answer this question so please help...