New To Saltwater

Ha, I changed my mind again. I'm going to get a Sharknose Goby instead. :p Same fish, same job. He just looks cooler.
Good call on the neon goby

I would definitely agree with Ski on the neon goby idea. However, be very careful when adding a fish such as this because they are very very small; even as adults...

(This is definitely not an adult neon goby, but I have noticed that this is just about the most common size of the fish at an LFS.

Generally, the size of a cleaner versus it's tank mates which could eat it isn't really the main concern because most fish recognize that they are cleaners and will leave it alone - at least IME; based upon the fact that I have fish which could easily eat my cleaner shrimp but they do not. With that in mind, I believe the largest risk to these small fish are getting sucked into equipment. I am sure the same applies to the shovel nose.

I may have already said this, but many people might agree with me when I say having a cleaner fish or invert isn't going to protect you from any and every ich out break because they cannot always pick off a white spot because it is very protected at that time. So, there really is no requirement to have a cleaner fish/invert to be successful. If you keep your fish healthy and as stress-free as possible, the fish can fight off the ich themselves.
Well yes, of course the Neon Goby could get eaten. I took that into consideration. Thanks for the heads up though. I'm not too sure anything would eat him though. The fish that I want are all pretty small or non-aggressive.
I knew about the equipment problem too though! :D I have a canister filter with the special end so big items and fish can't get sucked in.

I really didn't think about not needing the Neon Goby though. Hmm. I guess I'll hold off on one.

I found some really cool new fish (and thanks to all of you that helped me on this, I got some ideas)so I updated my fish and wanted to know if they were all compatible.

Yellow Tail Blue Damsel (He's my hardy starter)
Razor Goby (or Blue Barred Ribbon Goby)
Midas Blenny
2 Scooter Dragonets
Red Spotted Hawk
Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish
Dragon Goby
Yellow Tail Fang Blenny
Dragon Wrasse
Algae Blenny
2 Urchins

I possibly wanted to get a Black and White False Percula Clownfish, a real Percula Clown, a Curious Wormfish, and a Jackknife. Those last guys are all expensive and/or may not live so they're still possibilities but I'm still curious. I know Jackknives grow up to be big and need a large community tank but he's my favorite out of everyone. :(

Any good insight to these guys would be great. Thanks to all!
The major problems I see are that the Dragon wrasse will almost definitely eat the urchins, and the jackknife not only grows big but is somewhat difficult to feed and appears to need high flow.

Curious wormfish are pretty easy prey for damn near everything, even some shrimp and crabs otherwise thought as reef-safe. My only qualm with fang blennies is that they are venomous and can injure people. They are however largely immune to predation from fishes that inhale prey (such as scorpionfish).

You also have several fish that can be difficult to feed, including the dragon goby and scooter "blenny".
The major problems I see are that the Dragon wrasse will almost definitely eat the urchins, and the jackknife not only grows big but is somewhat difficult to feed and appears to need high flow.

Curious wormfish are pretty easy prey for damn near everything, even some shrimp and crabs otherwise thought as reef-safe. My only qualm with fang blennies is that they are venomous and can injure people. They are however largely immune to predation from fishes that inhale prey (such as scorpionfish).

You also have several fish that can be difficult to feed, including the dragon goby and scooter "blenny".

Hmm. Well to start, I really just wanted the urchins because they ate algae, but seeing as how I found the Algae Blenny I don't really need them anymore. I think I would also need a scavenger though. You know, an extra clean-up member to eat basically anything lying around the tank. So that presents a problem. Is there any good scavenger the Dragon Wrasse can't eat (or won't)?

I wasn't really looking especially for the Curious Wormfish, I was just curious to see if I could get him. Would anything eat him in my tank?

I know about Fang Blennies and their venom, but no one besides me would go in the tank and of course I would use caution. So he isn't really a problem.

Are there any other fish that are difficult to feed? I know I'm going to have to wait a little while for the Scooter Blenny since he needs established live sand/rock to fully eat. What's wrong with the Dragon Goby? I've been told their pretty hardy and not a trouble to keep. Plus he's a sandsifter, so once he starts that he's got his main diet going anyway. Unless he needs other food?

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