New To Saltwater...


New Member
Jun 9, 2006
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NW Ohio
My husband and I have had freshwater off and on since we were kids. We've got a Brackish tank right now as well and thats going very well.

I've always had a thing for saltwater fish and due to some prodding by a couple of my friends have decided to give it a try.

Here are my plans...
I could really use someone reviewing them and offering some suggestions and such if I'm off track.

The Tank
29g *I've got a 55g on layaway but it won't be here for another 6 months.*
Penguin 30 (150gph) Filter
Aquaclear 300 Heater
15 lbs Agronite(spelling) reef sand
Pool Filter sand mixed in until sand depth is 1.5"
Florescent lighting with either Life Glo II, Power Glo or Marine Glo bulb
10lbs or so of Live Rock

The Fish
2 Banggai Cardinalfish
1 Flame Angelfish
1 Lawnmower or Scooter Blenny (Haven't decided which one. Suggestions?)
1 or 2 Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
1 Dragon Goby

What do ya'll think?
Sounds good to me. Are you going to add more LR?

Yeah..eventually I'll have more live rock. It'll have to be purchased over time due to costs. ;) I also forgot to mention that I'll be using pre-mixed R/O water purchased bulk from the same lfs these guys will be coming from. Is acclimation still necessary since the water in the tank will be identical to the water they're housed in at the lfs?

I forgot one of the fish I was considering as well. I've edited my original post to add it in.
My husband and I have had freshwater off and on since we were kids. We've got a Brackish tank right now as well and thats going very well.

I've always had a thing for saltwater fish and due to some prodding by a couple of my friends have decided to give it a try.

Here are my plans...
I could really use someone reviewing them and offering some suggestions and such if I'm off track.

The Tank
29g *I've got a 55g on layaway but it won't be here for another 6 months.*
Penguin 30 (150gph) Filter
Aquaclear 300 Heater
15 lbs Agronite(spelling) reef sand
Pool Filter sand mixed in until sand depth is 1.5"
Florescent lighting with either Life Glo II, Power Glo or Marine Glo bulb
10lbs or so of Live Rock

The Fish
2 Banggai Cardinalfish
1 Flame Angelfish
1 Lawnmower or Scooter Blenny (Haven't decided which one. Suggestions?)
1 or 2 Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
1 Dragon Goby

What do ya'll think?

hmmm starting up a marine tank is by no means a quick process, and it'd be much easier to do it in the 55g, i'd be tempted to spend the next 6 months researching and buying the equipment you need then starting off when the 55g tank gets here.

you don't need a filter, just get loads of LR and powerheads to give you 20x tank turnover and that does all your filtration for you.

I take it your not planning on having any corals, if you want to you'll need to upgrade the lighting to a metal halide or something similar.

i think the tank's on the small side for the flame angel, we've decided against for our 30g tank. if you get the 55 then great :good:

what exactly do you mean by dragon goby, i think there's lots of fish this could be.
what exactly do you mean by dragon goby, i think there's lots of fish this could be.

I believe this is the Dragon Goby BitterCowgal is looking at.
They're excellent sand sifters but I've been told they're hard to feed. I'm not positive on that though.

About the fish, the Lawnmower Blenny would definitley be useful seeing as how he eats algae. If you had to pick go with the Algae Blenny. Scooter Blennies can be hard to feed and need a well established tank with live sand and live rock. (It's where they get their main food source although they will sometimes take prepared foods.)

Definitely research saltwater some more and use the 55g. You won't regret it when you do it. There's a lot to know and a lot of awesome fish to see. Plus you can get more fish in a bigger tank of course! The more the merrier! :) Six months is a bit long but it will be worth it if you chose to wait.

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