Search results

  1. Silvani

    Three More Aquabid Auctions From Me

    I see the top guy did not sell. I would like to buy him from you, just wanted to give others a chance. I’ll send you a PM and you can tell me how to pay and whatnot. :)
  2. Silvani

    New Tank Friend

    wuvmybetta – That’s exactly what I’m afraid will happen! Those little feelers just look like little worms wiggling around in the water. So I’m keeping a close eye on the little slimmer for now… that’s what I’ve been calling the snail, slimmer. :lol: BrookeLea - From what I’ve read it...
  3. Silvani

    Any Thoughts?

    Oh! If it’s true those are really neat looking!!
  4. Silvani

    New Tank Friend

    I know it’s not really for this forum, but I bought an apple snail today. One of my tanks (5 gallon) was getting a bit of allege and had just got done reading about how apple snails don’t bread with themselves, so figured what the heck. I just didn’t want to end up with hundreds of snails...
  5. Silvani

    Any Thoughts?

    So after trying to find something on this myself, I started thinking… perhaps the pet store employee was told they were getting in butterfly bettas, and not knowing much about them just brushed the conversation off. In you walk asking about bettas, now he’s trying desperately to remember the...
  6. Silvani

    Who Should I Spawn Next?

    I vote for #3 as well. The male just shimmers!
  7. Silvani

    Three More Aquabid Auctions From Me

    Oh my gosh what cuties! You know… if they don’t sell send me a PM and I’ll buy one. I’d like to give you a chance to spread out into the betta world though. But I’ll happily be your back up buyer. :D
  8. Silvani

    Kaden's Babies 1 Week Old Today!

    Congratulations on your one week mark! I went back through your old posts to find the parents. The father has such unique coloring, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that combination before. I hope the babies turn out to be as lovely as him!! :D
  9. Silvani

    New Plakats I'm Getting

    Wow… you have been getting the most gorgeous bettas lately. I remember you posted not too long ago with your last shipment and I was in awe, and yet again I am stunned by the beauty of these fish. You have quite high class taste in bettas. ;) Are these for show? Breading? Or just...
  10. Silvani

    Free Betta Available W/ 5 Gallon Used Tank.

    If you want to think about shipping it I would be interested, assuming it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg to ship. But its far too long a drive from California to Alabama. :(
  11. Silvani

    Attack Of The Slime!

    I get this too, I have a tank that is split with a divider. The filter is on the lowest setting it can be, since the bettas were NOT happy with the current. The side that has the filter never gets the slime, other side gets slimy about 3 days after a weekly water change. It doesn’t seem to...
  12. Silvani

    Gabriel's Spawn Diary -- F2

    Awww that’s awesome! Congratulations on the week old milestone. :D Having such variety has to be a lot of fun, the surprise of what they will turn out to be! :)
  13. Silvani

    A Little Betta Equation...

    The parents are absolutely stunning. And the babies are turning out to be such little cuties! I think it’s actually really fascinating how you can see right through them at this point. I may have to try and talk you out of a couple when they are older. ;)
  14. Silvani

    Three Ventrals

    Double tail betas had to start somewhere like this. So as long as it’s not hindering the fish, why the heck not. :) Two heads would be scary though! I’ve seen snakes with two heads… and they are just well, scary. :P
  15. Silvani

    Double Spawn Attempt

    Oh no!! The poor dear CT. I feel so bad for him, I’ve never wanted to hug a fish so much. … weird I know… :/ Alas, I hope he gets back to his old glory and enjoys his days in retirement. :) Congratulations on your other little pairs spawn though! :D That has to be a joy, this means...
  16. Silvani

    Double Spawn Attempt

    Oooo good luck! I sure hope you get better results from the copper boy. He’s so damn beautiful it sucks that he’s such a neglectful father. :/ I bet if you’re two good little PKs raise the CT ones they will turn out to be better parents than their dead beat dad. :P Put me on that adoption...
  17. Silvani

    Betta Lice

    It’s just a guess, but it looks like Cotton Fin Fungus and it sounds like the solution that Wuv did was their answer as well. Lots of water changes. Take a look here and look at the pictures of the bettas with it. Looks very similar to your pictures.
  18. Silvani

    The Betta Poll!

    Personally I really have a thing for CT bettas at the moment. They are just so unusually regal looking to me. I know they sometimes sell some CTs are PetCo now so they aren’t exactly rare, but still a great colored/breed CT is just stunning. I absolutely adore the idea of a CT Plakat though...
  19. Silvani

    10 New Bettas From Thailand :)

    If you’re willing to share the name of your breeder/seller I’d be very interested to know. Those are some truly beautiful fish. :D
  20. Silvani

    Guess What Iiii'm Doing...

    Well damn! That’s no good, silly daddy. :/ I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you that this is all just learning for him and he’ll figure it out next time. I was really hoping to possibly get some of those babies from you too. :shifty: I’m absolutely in love with the little crowntail coppers...
  21. Silvani

    Wow Look At This.

    Hahah you could write them and ask them if they want your fish to do commercials for them. ;) :lol:
  22. Silvani

    10 New Bettas From Thailand :)

    Holy!! That has to be the most lavishly finned female I’ve seen! Without a good look at her underside, I would never know it was a girl. :hyper:
  23. Silvani

    10 New Bettas From Thailand :)

    I love how the girly’s marbeling is darker on one side than the other. It gives her such personality. Maybe split personalities? Hehe just kidding. :lol: Very very very VERY (Did I say very yet?) pretty fish. I love them all! :wub:
  24. Silvani

    Betta Not Eating Food?

    Well is your betta trying to eat what you put in and failing? Like he can’t fit it in his mouth or he spits it back out? Or is he not even bothering to eat it. If he’s not even bothering to eat it I doubt that making the pellets smaller will help. But hey it wouldn’t hurt to try. :) Have...
  25. Silvani

    Fishy Photos!

    Arrowhead- If I had to guess, you’re talking about possums. I live about 20 mins away from you, and the only thing I can think that you’re talking about is a possum since they have the same tails. At least the ones in California do. I love rats, I actually used to keep mice as kid. Rats are...
  26. Silvani

    I Have To Tell Some One

    Ahahahha! One of KeddyPie’s babies is named Leeroy Jenkins! That’s just awesome. :D Play WoW do ya? :) Sorry to be totally off topic. :/
  27. Silvani

    Still Stressed?

    Thanks Splish. I appreciate the info! :) I feel better knowing that. They just got here on Wednesday so its way less than a week. I’ll still be keeping a close eye on her though just to make sure nothing else develops.
  28. Silvani

    New Ct Bettas (w/ Pics!)

    I got a couple pictures of my boys if anyone is interested in seeing them. :) I still haven't thought of names for any of them. So any suggestions are welcome! hehe Copper boy (different one than originally pictured) being a tough guy. Copper boy again, with his two curled rays. Still a...
  29. Silvani

    Still Stressed?

    My little CT BF girly still is clamping her fins. Its not all the time though, which is the puzzling part. Half the time she will be swimming around normally, fins spread wide, then the other half the time she will swim around or sit with the clamped tight. I’ve test the water, everything is...
  30. Silvani

    New Ct Bettas (w/ Pics!)

    Too much... way too much. But I wanted some nice quality bettas that were not from the pet store. :) I think total, with shipping all 4 were about 100 dollars... so yeah not a light investment. But I had been planning and saving up for them so its worth it. Though I guess when you do the...
  31. Silvani

    New Ct Bettas (w/ Pics!)

    Update: All my new babies arrived safe and sound. They still look like they needs some time to color up, since they are pale. The poor little butterfly girly has her fins clamped, but the others are swimming around perfectly fine (just pale). Their tanks are all at about 80 degrees and I...
  32. Silvani

    Guess What Iiii'm Doing...

    I know you showed me it before, but god that crowntail is just breathtaking. I hope the one I get is even half as beautiful when he gets here. I found out the package arrives Weds around noon. I feel like a kid on the night before Christmas. Weee! Anyways those are going to be such cute...
  33. Silvani

    Plastic And Females?

    Hmmm.... well lets make sure I have this right. What would you say for the following? 1. No because its pointy? Or is this ok? 2. Yes because its not actually pointy? Or no because the leaves are not broad? :dunno: edited since the first picture changed. Changed back to what it was.
  34. Silvani

    New Ct Bettas (w/ Pics!)

    Hehe that would be so cute, little brothers!! :wub: I thought the webbing sacks (leans a new term) were quite stunning myself, I didn’t know that was a rare trait though. I guess I just got lucky that I was so impressed by it. Beginners luck? :hyper: Well if you find out who it was let...
  35. Silvani

    Spawned The Blues Again

    Awww how sweet! He’s being so protective of his little babies. What a good daddy!! :nod: :) He has such a gorgeous butterfly pattern on him too! Quite stunning! :wub:
  36. Silvani

    Double Spawn

    Wow!! Those are awesome pictures and BEAUTIFUL fish! Nice to see a fellow starwars dork… *cough* excuse me fan too. hehe :shifty: :D Congratulations on the two wonderful spawns! :nod:
  37. Silvani

    Plastic And Females?

    I have some plastic plants. They were bought looooong before I had read about the silk or live only plant rule/advice. So I had a thought: I understand that the plastic tears long betta fins, however would plastic plants be safe for female bettas since their fins are short and not likely to...
  38. Silvani

    Almond Leaves

    If you haven't read this already, there is a good post about almond leaves in the FAQ topics. :)
  39. Silvani

    Aquabid Is Friggin Addicting

    I have to agree, aqua bid is VERY addicting. I’m fighting myself right now to not get more. It seems as you all put it MBS catches on quickly. Heh :/ I’ll just keep looking at the pretty fish and saying “Ooo I want that!” and then closing the page for now. :drool:
  40. Silvani

    Creating The Perfect Fish

    A friend of mine has a VT betta, that boy will NEVER flare. Get out a mirror, nothing. Put him next to another fish, nada. He if anything will swim away from the other fish or image. He’s totally happy, swims around, and seems perfectly healthy. However he doesn’t seem to have an...