Fishy Photos!


Jul 5, 2005
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United States


"Private Plakat! Come here!"


"Yes, what is it, Captain?"


"We attack the rats at dawn, yes?"


"Yes.... At Dawn! Now run, before they catch us..."


"Oh, I see you in there! Plotting against us!!"


"Mom! They're plotting! PLOTTING! You must do something!"


.... Of course, Torgo is too distracted with a stickly blackwater extract stain to care what's going on to his right...

I have a horrible headache and am rather nauseated, which is probably why I find this amusing. Forgive me. :) I decided to take some photos of my Synirr girls during the Boys' playtime, and they were not happy that I was giving something besides THEM attention!
Cute fish but have to say that I have a terrible soft spot in my heart for rats :wub:
Just recently had to rehome my 5 gorgeous boys one of whom was 2 1/2 years nearly 3, and nearly died on me a few times.It broke my heart but it was for the best as work commitments meant they wernt getting the attention.
So I started keeping fish instead and first betta arrives this week :hyper:
I actually named that rock - Steve. My dad brought him home from Pennsylvania when I was 12 as a suevineer... Leave it to my fatehr to bring me 5 pounds rocks from out of state :rolleyes: It means a lot to me, so I boiled it up and put it in the tank a few weeks ago ^^

Bristle, I feel for you. I can't imagine losing my boys to anything, even if one of them is psychotic and tries to rip off my skin while I sleep - I love them so much. It must have hurt to get rid of them, but if it was for the best, I fully support the decision.
Very cute, Keddy. I used to have rats as well. Definately intelligent creatures:)
Haha, too cute. Love the rats, too :wub:
Cute rats! They make great pets and I like them, but I have to get past their scaly tails....ugh.

I know there tails are gross...I have a huge rat that comes in the backyard and go through the trash cans...Pretty weird animals...And there not racoons...There scary rats with big teeth... :crazy: :sick:
Cute rats! They make great pets and I like them, but I have to get past their scaly tails....ugh.

I know there tails are gross...I have a huge rat that comes in the backyard and go through the trash cans...Pretty weird animals...And there not racoons...There scary rats with big teeth... :crazy: :sick:

Arrowhead- If I had to guess, you’re talking about possums. I live about 20 mins away from you, and the only thing I can think that you’re talking about is a possum since they have the same tails. At least the ones in California do.


I love rats, I actually used to keep mice as kid. Rats are far smarter though, and can actually be potty trained. Get a little litter box and put it in the corner, and they learn to just do their business there.
Cute rats! They make great pets and I like them, but I have to get past their scaly tails....ugh.

I know there tails are gross...I have a huge rat that comes in the backyard and go through the trash cans...Pretty weird animals...And there not racoons...There scary rats with big teeth... :crazy: :sick:

Arrowhead- If I had to guess, you’re talking about possums. I live about 20 mins away from you, and the only thing I can think that you’re talking about is a possum since they have the same tails. At least the ones in California do.


I love rats, I actually used to keep mice as kid. Rats are far smarter though, and can actually be potty trained. Get a little litter box and put it in the corner, and they learn to just do their business there.

Yeah that...There really weird looking things...But I like hamsters if that counts as a rat.
rotfl hamsters aren't rats. They're - well - hamsters -_-

Matilda invites your scrutiny ->

She likes my betta girls, but they don't like her. They flare at her, and she snuffles around their jars, trying to figure out what the funny, finny, scaly hamsters are doing in water.
Of the rodent type pets we've had throughout the years, I think I like gerbils the best. The hamsters all seemed to be nocturnal, and I just couldn't get too cuddly with the rats, although my boys liked them the best.
Did any ever coincide with fish? I always get a kick out of watching animals outside the tanks react to the fish; I think that's why those pictures and the captions just had me in stitches. They're hilarious :p

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