10 New Bettas From Thailand :)

Stunning fish ! :drool:
Out of interest, just how many do you have right now ? -_-
They are all posotivley Beautiful!!!
here is the matching marble female:







Absolutely stunning fish, how much did they cost, and how much was shipping on top of that? Make sure you take care of them, they really are great. Can you pm me the supplier details please?
I love how the girly’s marbeling is darker on one side than the other. It gives her such personality. Maybe split personalities? Hehe just kidding. :lol:

Very very very VERY (Did I say very yet?) pretty fish. I love them all! :wub:
Holy!! That has to be the most lavishly finned female I’ve seen! Without a good look at her underside, I would never know it was a girl. :hyper:
i had my doubts at first, but if watt and duen say it's a girl, well, they know a heck of a lot more about bettas than i do ;) it doesn't come across in the photos, but she's actually quite a bit smaller than the male, and is usually a lot paler too
Can I keep a copy of the angry marble for my interesting pics folder?

You have done yourself proud. Are you breeding them?
Oh man :drool:... once again, ridiculously beautiful fish from Thailand! That marble pair is totally to-die-for!!

It does look like the poor Gold/Red boy nipped his tail, you can tell from the blood on the edges and just the fact that it's only damaged in one small area. Clean water, and meds or maybe a bit of IAL should fix that! I can't blame him at all, the trip from Thailand must be a bvtch :p
If you’re willing to share the name of your breeder/seller I’d be very interested to know. Those are some truly beautiful fish. :D

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