Search results

  1. Silvani

    How Neat!

    Well that’s sure creative thinking! Wonder what I could buy bettas with … hm… *thinks* hehe Anyone want some pocket lint? :lol:
  2. Silvani

    Look What I Made

    I’m sorry fishykisses, at least she lives on through her babies. :-( Those are cool magnets! Is that clay or what did you use?
  3. Silvani

    Spawn Diary V1 ~ Maui + Kula

    Oh baby butterfly!! :wub: They are just precious! :D
  4. Silvani

    Is It Possible?

    I’ve heard that it’s only possible to cycle a tank that is 5 gallons or more. Now is this just because smaller tanks are more unstable, and difficult to cycle, or is it truly impossible to cycle smaller amounts of water? Right now I’ve been doing 90% water changes on my 2.5 and 3 gallon...
  5. Silvani

    Confessions Of A Closet Spawner

    Awww you can see the little crowntail spikies starting!!
  6. Silvani

    Anger Management?

    That first photo!! Wow! What a perfect shot! You had to have some nice timing to get a shot like that, well…. Or some crazy luck. ;P It’s cute how different the personality of those two are. :)
  7. Silvani

    Meet My New Boys

    What pretty boys! I wish I could find such a pretty fish for 1.25! Wow! Lucky you! :)
  8. Silvani

    Welcome To Your 64 Oz World

    Oh wow! More cute babies!! :wub: Marbles have such personality! How old are those wuv? They are just darling! Let me know when you put a few on Aquabid. ;)
  9. Silvani

    Stormtrooper And Morwen's Fry

    Oh my gosh!! They are just such cuties! :wub: Are you jarring any at this point? Or are they still too young?
  10. Silvani


    Perhaps if you got some plants for the 5 gallon tank that you’re putting the betta in? You could get some really easy ones like Java Ferns. Then get a timer for the light. They sell timers at Target, and I’m sure other places. You could have it turn on at like 11am and go off at 4pm so that...
  11. Silvani

    Why Is He Doing This? Help

    Just FYI I found this thread on swim bladder:
  12. Silvani

    My New Copper Plakat

    Oooo he’s very pretty! What a lucky find in a fish store! He looks like he’s a great quality betta!! :D
  13. Silvani

    New Copper Ct Male Is Here!

    *mumbles about spell check changing plakat to placket* :sly:
  14. Silvani

    Peeling Betta

    Could he have a parasite? Like velvet? And he’s scratching himself, so much so that he scratched his scales off? Take a close look at him and see if he has any little white dots. :/
  15. Silvani

    Why Is He Doing This? Help

    No you do not feed the shell. But if he is just out of the spawn tank and was fasted in there, I’m not sure what would be causing this… perhaps some others may have some thoughts. :no:
  16. Silvani

    Why Is He Doing This? Help

    He should be ok as long as he is able to get to the surface to breath. And with his head tilted up that really shouldn't be too big an issue. I really haven't heard of many fish dieing of swim bladder, as long as they can eat and breath. But be careful of taking peas from your university...
  17. Silvani

    Why Is He Doing This? Help

    Sounds like swim bladder to me. :( Which is most commonly caused by constipation. So a good old cooked pea may help your little guy out. (De-shelled and smashed up to betta sized bites just incase you didn’t know) :)
  18. Silvani

    Spawning Problem

    What happened with this? Did he ever stop his bubble obsession? Or did you have to call it quits? :huh:
  19. Silvani

    A Few More Photos Of The Red Galaxy Plakat...

    Man…. That boy is just shockingly beautiful. I really truly hope you breed him, and soon. ;) I would love to get a betta like him. He’s just to die for. :wub:
  20. Silvani

    New Copper Ct Male Is Here!

    Oh wow thanks for the better pics! He sure is spikey!!! I bet that will be awesome to breed with a placket though, whatever spikes you do get may be even deeper due to his being so deep. I sure hope he turns out to be a better daddy than Grandpa. :) Good luck!!!! :D You can sign me up...
  21. Silvani

    She (betta) Broke My Guppy's Spine!

    Eep that sounds quite a nasty attack. And yes indeed, I must agree that it does show the girls mean business too. Ouch! I hope he’s ok… he’s going to have a lot of trouble if his spine is truly broken. :(
  22. Silvani


    Aww I’m sorry tank. It’s always hard to lose such a special pet. I’m sure he had a happy life with you though. May he RIP. :-(
  23. Silvani


    I don’t think our original poster will be able to see your replies… he’s now a member of “Banned” according to his group in his profile. :/
  24. Silvani

    Not A Good Week For Bettas

    Awww Synirr I’m so sorry. All three at once is just heartbreaking. They had long happy lives with you though. Since they are VTs just think of how you saved them from their little cups somewhere… and what joy they had. They were all very pretty. Just try and let all your new baby...
  25. Silvani

    Never Walk Away From A Water Change

    Oh my god!! Wow… poor little girl. If I remember that was the free DT girl that you got with your others. (Though I may be wrong) She’s just a little trouble maker it seems. Heck if she doesn’t have a name I’d call her “Trouble”. Hehe I’m so very very glad she’s ok though. :D
  26. Silvani

    My First Wal-mart Boy.

    He’s got a pretty butterfly coloring to him, though very light. :) Seems healthy to me, just needs to have some time for his fins to heal.
  27. Silvani

    Chilli+betta Equals Water Change?

    Erm… is the betta ok? Did he survive his Chilli fiasco?
  28. Silvani


    Its getting to be winter, temperatures are dropping. Is the betta warm enough?
  29. Silvani

    How To Nuke Divided 10 Gallon?

    I personally was super scared to use bleach in my fish tank that I nuked. But I sucked it up and did it. But I was paranoid because I kept smelling bleach. So I ended up rinsing that tank out once a day for about a week before I even thought about using it. I had river rocks as gravel, and...
  30. Silvani

    A Question About Bettas

    You know this whole thing reminds me of a talk I had with a co-worker of mine. I was at the pet store and ran into them. They were buying a couple of goldfish for their little boy. I asked them what size tank they had and they told me 7 gallons… so I was a bit worried that the two gold fish...
  31. Silvani

    Betta Video

    It worked for me it just took a REALLY long time to load. I mean I left the page up for a good half hour before it loaded. And I’m on a cable connection, with a 3.4 computer… so it’s the server side speed. It actually scared me when it started working, I heard this loud filter noise suddenly...
  32. Silvani

    Betta Food

    I think if you chose to feed them just one thing, that just pellets would be safer. While I totally agree that variety is the healthiest, at least if its just pellets they are made to have all the essential things a betta needs. If money is the problem, then I would just change what it is...
  33. Silvani

    New Spawning Pair!

    Oooo I love that male. Is that a HM Rosetail? Or is he just at a weird angle? I have no clue what sort of babies the two will make though. Perhaps a pale green HM? Just a guess though. I’m sure no matter what with such nice parents they will be cute babies. :)
  34. Silvani

    New Copper Ct Male Is Here!

    Oh wow! How very nice of wuv! :D I’d love to see a real side shot of the new guy so we can see his pretty fins a bit better. I’m glad old grandpa is doing ok. Poor guy, though he’s sorta cute as a PK :lol: :P I hope the new one works out a lot better for you! :)
  35. Silvani

    Petri And Uriel

    Haha those bright colors on the bird must drive the poor betta nuts!! :lol: Those are adorable photos though. :D
  36. Silvani

    New Tank Friend

    Apple snails will eat fish food that sinks to the bottom and algae/dyeing plants. It’s a good idea to give them some greens too like cucumber or lettuce once in a while. Or heck even some peas, and then the betta can have a snack too. :) I do not know what fish they can and can’t go with...
  37. Silvani

    Just Wondering Which One Of Your Betta's Are Your Favorite

    I really love my little girl Lillian. She is my fav at the moment. She is always SOOOO happy to see me. Like a little puppy dog wagging her tail when I sit down at the computer next to her tank. :wub:
  38. Silvani

    Female Betta Not Doing So Well

    Was her tank close to the other ones? Do you think she is perhaps depressed since she no longer has the other female to “be friends with”? Maybe try the antibacterial treatment again? It’s possible that it wasn’t done long enough and what ever was killed just came back at this point? And...
  39. Silvani

    Abrid Retaining Water

    It may not be dropsy but it may still be an internal bacteria making him swell up. I would put him on some antibiotic food and see if it helps… assuming that he’s still eating. :/
  40. Silvani

    Three More Aquabid Auctions From Me

    Yay! Thanks much! I think he’s a real cutie, I’m really happy to be able to give him a home. :D And hey, if I can do enough research maybe I can breed him with my copper CT girl and help out your copper CTPK line that you’re working on. ;) No promises though, I want to be sure of what I’m...