My First Wal-mart Boy.


Sep 23, 2005
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Vancouver Island, BC
I haven't really had a b this colour before so I can't tell if he's sick or not.. care to help?

Here is what he and around ten others were being held in at the wal-mart.


And here he is in his new home, a 1.2g vase like container that cost me 5 cents at Liquidation World.


My question is, is he sick? Here are a couple body shots.




I don't think he's sick but every once and a while he'll blow a cap or something and go insane, swimming around really fast, then he'll stop, just like that. But I've got a couple of other b's that do the same thing.. so.

His name is Henri by the way and he's my eleventh b, first from wal-mart. Had no intention of buying one from wal-mart because of all the horror stories, but I saw him and just had to buy him. But yeah. :p
Looks healthy to me :) (EDIT: Well, aside from what looks like a little finrot, but that ought to go away on its own with clean water and TLC)
I would get him a different tank, however. Bettas primarily swim sideways, not up and down, so a container as slim as that one isn't really any better than a cup in terms of swimming room :/
Thanks. And that's just the quarantine container, he'll only be in there for a day or so, if that, then is being moved into a 2.5g split tank.
Oh alright, good show then. He's very lovely :)
First walmart betta?
I've never bought a betta from anywhere else...I guess if I have a spare betta tank, why not make a betta a little happier? I'm fine with VT's, I'm not one of those huge betta collectors, or in Synirrs case, breeder.
Most of the fish I got from Wallmart have had a bad habit of dying way prematurely. I think the one near us is bad; the only fish I've ever gotten there were rescues - shocking amount of septicemia cases, which in my opinion is one of the easier diseases to treat so long as it isn't the viral form. I think that's why many people go to LFS for bettas instead, though its certainly nice to give a wallmart guy a home if you have the space and money. I wish my parents would let me fill those 4 empty tanks in my basement with bettas.

He looks pretty healthy! Good weight, maybe even a littly bulky. Glad to know he isn't staying in that container; Synirr took the words right out of my mouth. I agree that clean water will fix those fins right up; they are blackened or fungus-y around the edges, so its probably just from poor water quality in the cups.
I don't have a wal-mart where I live. The closest one is about an hours drive out of town, so.. yeah. I usually just go to the LFS just up the road from my house.

Most of the fish I got from Wallmart have had a bad habit of dying way prematurely. I think the one near us is bad; the only fish I've ever gotten there were rescues - shocking amount of septicemia cases, which in my opinion is one of the easier diseases to treat so long as it isn't the viral form. I think that's why many people go to LFS for bettas instead, though its certainly nice to give a wallmart guy a home if you have the space and money. I wish my parents would let me fill those 4 empty tanks in my basement with bettas.

He looks pretty healthy! Good weight, maybe even a littly bulky. Glad to know he isn't staying in that container; Synirr took the words right out of my mouth. I agree that clean water will fix those fins right up; they are blackened or fungus-y around the edges, so its probably just from poor water quality in the cups.

The wal-mart I went to was pretty good. There tanks were literally squeaky clean, most of them under stocked, they actually put warnings on the chiclid tanks that they were aggressive, opposed to my LFS that doesn't even warn you. All the fish were in good shape, no floaters and or drifters, again, opposed to my LFS. The only thing that bugged me was the b's, even though their cups were pretty clean, it was still very very small for them. Although they all looked healthy, swimming around, flaring, not just lying in the bottom of the cup. ^_^
Thats wierd what your wal mart does the wal mart in several towns over that I go to sometimes keeps the bettas in these holding containers that have vents in the so they can get a fresh clean supply of water and some times the really really small common plecos can get in there and the betta doesn't even seem to notice. :p
He’s got a pretty butterfly coloring to him, though very light. :)

Seems healthy to me, just needs to have some time for his fins to heal.
Aww, he's a very pretty boy. :wub: He's got such a cute face!! I have a thing for betta faces, hehe. ^_^

Both my current betta boys (and my two previous bettas) came from WalMart... most of the time they look better than the ones at the pet store.

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